Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in central government maintained hospitals

2   Full-time employees in central government maintained hospitals . Average monthly earnings, by sex and occupational group per 1 October 2003. NOK
Sex and occupational group Employees covered by the census Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Salary according to scale Fixed and variable additional allowances
Employees, total 54 718 29 073 25 537 3 536 1 433
Of which          
Doctors 7 509 52 955 38 073 14 884 5 109
Professional nurses 7 751 24 957 22 067 2 889 1 053
Specialized nurses 6 341 28 733 25 058 3 676 1 266
Radiographers and audiology associate proffesionals 1 309 25 162 23 599 1 563 1 766
Physioteraphists and related associate proffesionals 1 005 23 397 23 148  249  124
Registered Nurses for the Mentally Subnormal  838 25 450 23 100 2 350  635
Social workers, child care officers etc.  701 25 107 24 752  355  176
Secretaries 3 345 20 218 19 944  274  457
Nursing assistants and care assistants 4 955 21 626 19 635 1 991  587
Doctor's secretaries  695 19 937 19 574  364  548
Males, total 16 617 35 169 28 931 6 237 2 519
Of which          
Doctors 4 811 55 787 39 188 16 599 5 776
Professional nurses 1 056 25 361 22 023 3 338 1 524
Specialized nurses 1 008 29 038 25 047 3 992 1 689
Radiographers and audiology associate proffesionals  412 25 370 23 776 1 594 2 107
Physioteraphists and related associate proffesionals  151 23 240 22 889  351  168
Registered Nurses for the Mentally Subnormal  323 25 989 23 210 2 779  747
Social workers, child care officers etc.  150 25 223 24 733  490  195
Secretaries  109 20 378 20 009  369  542
Nursing assistants and care assistants  923 22 202 19 492 2 710  832
Females, total 38 101 26 414 24 057 2 357  958
Of which          
Doctors 2 698 47 906 36 086 11 825 3 919
Professional nurses 6 695 24 893 22 074 2 819  978
Specialized nurses 5 333 28 676 25 060 3 616 1 186
Radiographers and audiology associate proffesionals  897 25 067 23 519 1 549 1 609
Physioteraphists and related associate proffesionals  854 23 425 23 194  231  116
Registered Nurses for the Mentally Subnormal  515 25 112 23 031 2 081  565
Social workers, child care officers etc.  551 25 075 24 757  318  171
Secretaries 3 236 20 213 19 942  271  454
Nursing assistants and care assistants 4 032 21 494 19 667 1 827  530
Doctor's secretaries  692 19 939 19 576  363  542

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