Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in central government maintained hospitals

2   Full-time employees in central government maintained hospitals. Average monthly earning, by sex and occupational group1 per 1 October 2004. NOK. Corrected figures
Sex and occupational group Employees covered by the census Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances
Employees, total 57 069           30 065 26 471 3 594 1 124
Of which          
Doctors 7 541 54 579 39 770 14 809 2 635
Psychologists 1 253 30 863 30 453  410  175
Professional and spesialist nurses 16 203 27 696 24 586 3 110 1 271
Life science technicians 1 563 25 026 23 492 1 534  937
Radiographers and audiology associate professionals 1 345 25 972 24 167 1 805 1 531
Physioteraphists and related associate professionals 1 072 24 418 24 102  316  171
Registered nurses for the mentally subnormal 1 002 26 238 23 691 2 547  551
Social workers, child care officers  754 25 956 25 465  491  156
Secretaries 3 886 21 176 20 820  356  472
Nursing assistants and care assistants 5 200 22 246 20 137 2 109  617
Doctor's secretaries  741 20 657 20 150  507  487
Cleaners 1 157 19 910 19 220  690  290
Males, total 17 558 36 305 30 004 6 301 1 740
Of which          
Doctors 4 778 57 794 40 910 16 884 3 039
Psychologists  436 31 909 31 397  513  289
Professional and spesialist nurses 2 350 28 365 24 702 3 663 1 830
Life science technicians  190 25 265 23 495 1 769 1 220
Radiographers and audiology associate professionals  406 26 386 24 397 1 989 2 264
Physioteraphists and related associate professionals  164 24 378 23 989  389  243
Registered nurses for the mentally subnormal  361 26 614 23 701 2 913  755
Social workers, child care officers  170 25 990 25 376  614  208
Secretaries  139 21 242 20 678  564  522
Nursing assistants and care assistants 1 157 22 630 19 875 2 755  888
Cleaners  302 19 483 18 502  981  450
Females, total 39 511 27 292 24 901 2 392  849
Of which          
Doctors 2 763 49 021 37 801 11 220 1 937
Psychologists  817 30 305 29 949  356  114
Professional and spesialist nurses 13 853 27 582 24 567 3 016 1 176
Life science technicians 1 373 24 993 23 492 1 501  898
Radiographers and audiology associate professionals  939 25 793 24 068 1 725 1 213
Physioteraphists and related associate professionals  908 24 425 24 122  303  159
Registered nurses for the mentally subnormal  641 26 026 23 685 2 341  436
Social workers, child care officers  584 25 946 25 491  455  140
Secretaries 3 747 21 174 20 825  349  470
Nursing assistants and care assistants 4 043 22 136 20 212 1 924  540
Doctor's secretaries  738 20 658 20 151  507  487
Cleaners  855 20 061 19 473  587  233
1  Standard classification of occupation.

Explanation of symbols