Wage statistics. Employees in central government

4   Full-time employees in government enterprises1 and the Norwegian Armed Forces. Average monthly earnings per 1 October 2000, by occupation. Kroner
Occupation Employees covered by the census Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Salary according to scale Fixed and variable additional allowances
Government enterprises 27 208 21 601 20 350 1 250 1 463
Of which          
Norwegian Postal Administration 16 842 20 879 19 603 1 276 1 314
Administrations occupations 1 105 24 918 24 257 661 1 053
Executive officers 769 24 438 24 081 357 704
Sorting and transportation etc. 11 024 20 240 18 881 1 359 1 318
Road administration 8 298 22 656 21 205 1 450 1 953
Of which          
Engineers 2 589 25 284 24 872 412 2 069
Executive officers 971 21 099 20 967 132 708
Clerks 358 18 102 18 000 102 293
Inspectors 78 23 097 20 314 2 783 2 503
Foremen 918 22 258 19 349 2 910 2 429
Skilled workers 2 109 21 719 19 124 2 595 2 614
Specialized workers 414 21 361 17 810 3 552 1 700
Defense 20 468 24 308 20 941 3 366 1 065
Civil personnel 7 213 21 271 20 686 585 1 002
Military personnel 13 255 25 960 21 080 4 880 1 100
1  Excluding Norwegian State Railways BA and Civil aviation administration.

Explanation of symbols