Wage statistics. Employees in central government

7   Full-time employees in central government1. Average monthly earnings, by educational2 level per 1 October 2001. Kroner
Educational level Employees covered by the census Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Salary according to scale Fixed and variable additional allowances
Central government, total  107 177      25 310 24 083 1 224  905
Primary and lower secondary education 4 086 21 560 20 213 1 331 1 095
Upper secondary education 46 419 22 782 21 372 1 405 1 107
Tertial education, 4 years or less 28 408 25 516 24 033 1 481  980
Tertial education, more than 4 years 27 180 29 915 29 264  651  478
Unknown or no completed education 1 084 26 364 25 651  708  264
Males, total 68 935 26 346 24 650 1 691 1 200
Primary and lower secondary education 2 445 22 428 20 336 2 054 1 628
Upper secondary education 29 572 23 733 21 719 2 004 1 542
Tertial education, 4 years or less 17 643 26 423 24 351 2 071 1 276
Tertial education, more than 4 years 18 574 30 874 30 061  813  561
Unknown or no completed education  701 27 640 26 760  873  296
Females, total 38 242 23 445 23 062  383  373
Primary and lower secondary education 1 641 20 285 20 032  253  300
Upper secondary education 16 847 21 115 20 763  352  344
Tertial education, 4 years or less 10 765 24 028 23 514  515  494
Tertial education, more than 4 years 8 606 27 843 27 542  302  298
Unknown or no completed education  383 24 041 23 634  405  205
1  Excluding health services, The Norwegian State Railways BA and Norwegian Postal Administration BA.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Education.

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