Statistics Norway

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry

2 Holdings with various supplementary industries1, by size of gross income. 2006*
  Holdings with gross income from supplementary industry Of which
  Contracting work with tractor, combine harvester etc. Renting out hunting or fishing rights Processing timber for sale Camping site, cabin renting, farm tourism etc. Renting out farmhouse or farm buildings
2006* 16 374 7 631 4 022 2 877 2 064 3 520
Gross income from supplementary industry            
         - 10 000 2 090 1 172 2 687  933  226  268
 10 000- 49 999 5 701 2 948 1 130 1 331  788 1 765
 50 000- 99 999 2 986 1 357  137  318  352  847
100 000-199 999 2 705 1 180 49  125  325  441
200 000-499 999 1 956  752 9  114  232  141
500 000-  935  223 11 55  140 57
1  Comprise only holdings where gross income are given.

Explanation of symbols