Statistics Norway

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry

3 Holdings with investment in farm buildings, by type of farming. 2008*1
  Holdings, total Holdings with investment Investment, total Investment per holding with investment
      NOK 1 000 NOK
Holdings, total 47 906 6 877 3 454 283  502 295
Type of farming        
Cereals and oil seeds 8 209  744  190 826  256 486
Other filed crops 7 622  371  184 461  497 200
Horticulture and permanent crops 1 630  459  271 845  592 254
Cattle - dairying 10 576 1 733  938 946  541 804
Cattle - rearing and fattening 3 708  433  162 202  374 600
Cattle - mixed  527  168 82 514  491 156
Sheep 8 068  971  166 224  171 189
Various grazing livestock 1 738  349  207 928  595 782
Granivores 1 578  488  481 687  987 064
Mixed cropping  509  177  133 633  754 989
Mixed livestock  704  425  329 153  774 478
Mixed crops - livestock 3 037  558  304 864  546 351
Agricultural area in use        
   - 49 decares2 6 476  823  606 164  736 529
 50- 99 " 8 423  780  115 340  147 871
100-199 " 13 830 1 467  476 688  324 941
200-499 " 15 773 2 796 1 391 460  497 661
500-    " 3 404 1 011  864 632  855 224
1  Investments below 15 000 NOK in 2008 are not included.
2  Comprise some holdings with less than 5 decares agricultural area in use, mainly joint operations with milk production and holdings with horticulture.

Explanation of symbols