Statistics Norway

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry

2 Tillage on area of open fields and gardens, by region and area of fully cultivated meadow
  Holdings, total Holdings with fully cultivated meadow Area of fully cultivated meadow.1 Decares Holdings with fully cultivated meadow renewed autumn 2009 or spring 2010 Fully cultivated meadow renewed autumn 2009 or spring 2010. Decares Holdings with fully cultivated meadow established autumn 2009 or spring 2010 Fully cultivated meadow established autumn 2009 or spring 2010. Decares
2009/2010 46 625 34 985 4 751 625 15 472  480 457 2 851 90 174
Eastern Norway 19 486 11 694 1 529 541 5 267  167 039 1 213 47 006
Agder-Rogaland 6 679 5 774  694 119 2 519 72 988  357 8 935
Western Norway 9 654 8 695  922 656 2 956 57 880  348 5 023
Trøndelag 6 761 5 016  884 326 2 851 98 864  586 19 396
Northern Norway 4 045 3 806  720 984 1 880 83 686  347 9 814
Area of fully cultivated meadows              
1-49 decares 19 935 8 563  229 761 1 360 17 694  333 7 199
50-99 decares 8 504 8 369  622 915 3 071 47 745  474 9 593
100-199 decares 10 565 10 489 1 511 612 5 868  143 992 1 050 26 421
200-299 decares 4 650 4 613 1 119 183 3 037  125 581  580 20 674
300-399 decares 1 686 1 675  576 091 1 183 60 194  229 10 443
400- decares 1 285 1 276  692 062  954 85 250  185 15 844
1  The area of fully cultivated meadow is estimated from the annual sample surveys of agriculture and forestry, and will differ from the official area of open fields and gardens.

Explanation of symbols