Statistics Norway

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry

7 Holdings housing laying hens, by region and number of laying hens. 2010
  Holdings housing laying hens Number of animal places for laying hens Of which, in enriched cages Of which, in conventional cages Of which, in free-range houses
      Per cent
2010 1 938 3 995 129 38 45 16
Eastern Norway  697 1 551 449 33 50 17
Agder-Rogaland  413 1 211 031 56 25 19
Western Norway  367  454 450 40 50 10
Trøndelag  257  558 392 21 70 9
Northern Norway  204  219 806 22 52 26
Laying hens          
0-99 laying hens 1 261  304 183 51 38 11
100-999 laying hens 79 22 821 - 47 53
1 000-4 999 laying hens  199  498 764 27 17 57
5 000- laying hens  399 3 169 361 39 50 10

Explanation of symbols