Statistics Norway

2 Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities. Main figures, by number of people employed and industry group. Local kind-of-activity units. 2009
Industry group Total Local KAUs with employment
0-1 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-249 250- 
79 Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities                
Local KAUs 1 846 1 147  394  192 70 29 14 -
Employment 5 711  504 1 072 1 200  937  806 1 192 -
Turnover 31 891.8 1 669.8 3 616.3 6 083.0 5 339.4 4 977.0 10 206.3 -
Personnel costs1 2 164.1 94.3  362.3  470.0  378.1  317.9  541.5 -
Production value1 31 877.5 1 667.5 3 613.4 6 079.1 5 336.0 4 975.6 10 206.0 -
Value-added2 2 913.8  159.8  433.8  556.5  522.4  445.1  796.3 -
Gross investments  139.3 51.7 33.0 17.9 22.2 6.6 7.9 -
79.1 Travel agency and tour operator activities                
Local KAUs  906  400  262  149 57 24 14 -
Employment 4 475  216  734  928  758  647 1 192 -
Turnover 30 183.8 1 376.2 3 209.5 5 774.1 4 845.2 4 772.6 10 206.3 -
Personnel costs1 1 770.5 50.7  245.3  353.6  313.1  266.3  541.5 -
Production value1 30 175.5 1 374.6 3 207.9 5 772.0 4 842.8 4 772.2 10 206.0 -
Value-added2 2 443.3 90.4  312.2  444.6  431.5  368.2  796.3 -
Gross investments 75.4 22.8 17.1 13.2 9.8 4.6 7.9 -
79.9 Other reservation service and related activities                
Local KAUs  940  747  132 43 13 5 - -
Employment 1 236  288  338  272  179  159 - -
Turnover 1 708.0  293.6  406.9  308.9  494.2  204.5 - -
Personnel costs1  393.6 43.6  117.0  116.4 65.0 51.5 - -
Production value1 1 702.0  292.9  405.5  307.1  493.2  203.4 - -
Value-added2  470.6 69.4  121.5  111.9 90.9 76.8 - -
Gross investments 64.0 28.9 15.9 4.6 12.5 2.0 - -
1  Million NOK.
2  At factor cost. Million NOK.

Explanation of symbols