1   Processing of applications for exemptions under the Act relating to motor traffic on uncultivated land and in water courses
Number of applications processed by municipality Number of municipalities Number of applications under the Act relating to motor traffic on uncultivated land processed in all municipalities Number approved Share approved Average number of applications per municipality Share of land area in these municipalities Share of population in these municipalities
2002 2001 2002 2002 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002
          *Per cent *Per cent *Per cent *Per cent
All municipalities  434 12 674 14 186 13 255 94 93 33  100  100
300-1140 14 4 164 6 834 6 413 91 94  488 15 2
100-299 23 4 279 3 150 2 990 96 95  137 12 4
50-99 19 1 822 1 349 1 327 94 98 71 8 2
20-49 56 1 402 1 774 1 619 95 91 32 17 7
5-19 85  826  887  742 92 84 10 21 22
1-4 93  181  192  159 95 83 2 11 19
0  101 0 0 3 . . 0 9 38
No response1 43 . . 2 . . . 7 6
1  One municipality has reported number of applications approved, but not the total number of processed applications.

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