National accounts and environment

15   NOREEA1 - Emissions of non-methane volatile organic carbons (NMVOC)3. Tonnes
  1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000*
Total  303 424  331 054  345 919  360 665  376 524  381 805  378 118  358 112  356 572  369 046
Agriculture and hunting 3 570 3 504 3 793 3 595 1 796 2 213 2 269 2 652 2 078 2 119
Forestry and logging  697  659  671  766  774  763  766  765  765  763
Fishing  756  712  703  733  742  815  850  872  813  767
Fish farming . 28 28 25 25 23 30 25 26 24
Mining and quarrying  246  177  223  276  274  270  241  285  285  239
Oil and gas extraction  132 173  159 924  176 151  188 147  207 594  212 194  213 220  201 479  207 011  230 627
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction  487  578  426  438  388  536  698  586  489  605
Fish and fish products 18 11 29 38 39 34 39 36 30 29
Meat and dairy products 84 84 86  100 68 72 57 64 60 52
Other food products  992  995  937  951  823  962  895  968  926  855
Beverages and tobacco  117  132  128  117  139  101 87 69  103 71
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather  509  549  139  277  115  251  169  332  345  330
Wood and wood products 2 222 2 216 1 516 1 856 1 369 1 754 1 630 2 025 2 143 2 085
Pulp, paper and paper products  701  690  185  246  236  317  335  310  343  362
Publishing, printing, reproduction 5 033 5 336 5 166 5 702 6 201 5 964 6 176 6 164 5 304 5 912
Refined petroleum products 9 866 9 655 10 874 12 801 13 882 13 835 14 803 12 338 10 946 9 944
Basic chemicals 2 456 2 007 1 605 2 146 2 150 2 379 2 268 2 278 2 199 2 082
Chemical and mineral products 4 513 5 042 8 199 6 618 8 427 8 180 6 960 7 178 7 034 6 326
Basic metals 1 493 1 445 1 140 1 409 1 420 1 505 1 312 1 527 1 553 1 515
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c. 3 003 2 768 1 232 1 426 1 061 1 188 1 225  951 1 063 1 008
Building and repairing of ships  620  619  658  781  592  651  637  577  643  592
Oil platforms and modules  203  208 12 17 6 10 7 13 6 4
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c.  131 99 1 014 1 102  953  993  976  926  991  940
Production and distribution of electricity  157  168  174  140  130 88 81 67 53 50
Water, steam etc  319  336  339  353  371  376  379  401  431  471
Construction 12 397 11 941 11 883 13 450 12 590 12 706 12 996 11 277 11 584 10 516
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles 11 684 12 024 12 239 11 688 11 528 11 142 11 133 10 240 9 431 8 438
Hotels and restaurants 96 98  107 95 95 92 90 82 72 63
Transport via pipelines 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1
Railways and trams  117  124  130  134  131 90 95 74 69 62
Other land transport 4 151 4 423 4 851 4 459 4 650 4 973 4 968 5 253 5 349 4 855
Air transport 1 682 2 243 1 857 2 303 2 362 2 506 2 417 2 160 2 359 2 116
Supporting activities for transport 7 087 7 335 7 168 7 256 7 040 6 996 6 883 6 814 6 638 5 962
Post and telecommunications 1 267 1 275 1 341 1 201 1 106  987  997  914  778  691
Ocean transport 9 409 8 434 7 275 7 429 8 232 9 405 10 412 8 838 7 810 5 929
Inland water and costal transport 1 459 1 510 1 512 1 621 1 550 1 620 1 714 1 669 1 796 1 473
Financial intermediation  494  478  499  436  411  362  347  294  250  216
Dwelling services2 . . . . . . . . . .
Business services etc. 1 891 1 925  733  762  801  811  810  880  858  871
Education  291  274  232  190  163  140  122  108 97 90
Health services  470  485  525  707  519  466  464  419  357  319
Other service activities  772  679  587  438  460  328  334  288  255  228
Defence 1 153 1 120  903 1 228 1 120 1 095 1 062 1 050 1 096  764
Education, central gov. 2 1 1 2 2 6 4 2 2 1
Health services, central gov. 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0
Other service activities, central gov.  265  516  737  598 1 056 1 152  661  790  784  796
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov. 13 52 50 33 20 19 19 19 15 15
Education, local gov. 6 5 4 7 7 12 8 8 11 6
Health services, local gov.  575  812 1 219 1 282  653 1 443  874 1 256 1 238 1 548
Other service activities, local gov. 36 36 29 23 20 21 15 13 12 8
Household consumption2 77 739 77 320 76 607 75 260 72 431 69 955 65 580 62 774 60 071 56 306
1  NOREEA uses the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
3  Last updated: 24 January 2002.

Explanation of symbols