National accounts and environment

2   Value added, employment and greenhouse gas, acidification and ozone precursor emissions according to industry groups. 20001, 8
  Total gross value added2 Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Carbon dioxide - CO2 Methane - CH4 Nitrous oxide - N20 Greenhouse gases emissions4 Nitrogen oxides - NOx Ammonia - NH3 Sulphur dioxide - SO2 Acidification precursors5 Non-methane volatile organic carbons - NMVOC Carbon monoxide - CO Ozone precursors6
  Million NOK
(constant 1995
basic prices)
1 000 full-time equiv. 1 000 tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes CO2 equivalents Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes acid-equivalents Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes NMVOC-equivalents
Total  991 710 1 975 55 016  332 966 18 245 67 664 258  513 312 25 437 83 421 15 262  377 760  581 460 1 072 622
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 25 586 79 1 970 99 332 9 592 7 029 005 37 129 23 216 1 069 2 206 3 852 21 191 52 871
Agriculture and hunting 10 845 58  506 99 212 9 538 5 546 648 5 313 23 215  190 1 487 2 341 13 389 11 684
Forestry and logging 5 333 5 48 13 18 53 521  715 0 19 16  763 1 232 1 771
Fishing 4 455 13 1 404  104 35 1 417 058 30 989 0  855  700  724 6 410 39 237
Fish farming 4 953 3 11 2 1 11 777  113 1 4 3 24  159  179
Mining and extraction  133 023 26 11 942 32 219  138 12 661 730 68 855 0  945 1 526  235 731 8 906  321 165
Mining and quarrying 2 118 4  159  346 37  177 500 1 495 0  121 36  249  412 2 124
Oil and gas extraction  127 206 15 11 388 31 686 99 12 084 156 59 741 0  632 1 318  234 877 7 713  309 052
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 3 699 7  395  187 3  400 074 7 619 0  193  172  605  782 9 989
Manufacturing  117 761  281 13 456 28 513 5 781 15 847 217 24 548  558 20 240 1 199 32 416 47 484 67 987
Fish and fish products 3 714 12  213 8 2  213 884  463 0  406 23 34  120  612
Meat and dairy products 4 023 16 95 4 3 96 011  346 1 43 9 56  259  507
Other food products 10 191 17  162 6 3  162 968  284 1  131 10  858  251 1 232
Beverages and tobacco 2 082 6 85 2 1 85 386 86 1 36 3 69  164  192
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 1 855 7 26 1 1 26 147 37 0 31 2  331 72  385
Wood and wood products 4 948 15 57 15 751 33  398 322  635 0  220 21 2 143 6 884 3 896
Pulp, paper and paper products 8 388 9  340 11 629 87  611 067 1 635 0 1 527 83  388 3 515 2 932
Publishing, printing, reproduction 9 753 31 44 3 2 45 068 52 2 2 1 5 922  281 6 016
Refined petroleum products, chemical and mineral products 10 629 22 4 006  109 30 4 017 618 6 943 1 3 557  262 16 407  520 24 937
Basic chemicals 7 303 8 3 112  959 5 602 4 868 362 5 116  547 5 685  321 1 655 32 764 11 515
Basic metals 12 115 14 5 023 14 6 5 025 125 8 166 0 8 468  442 1 941 1 157 12 031
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 28 024 75  198 10 5  199 704  338 3 92 10 1 039  641 1 522
Building and repairing of ships 3 504 13 26 1 1 26 005  188 0 11 4  595 82  833
Oil platforms and modules 6 901 20 15 1 0 14 834 33 0 4 1 5 22 47
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 4 331 15 55 12 4 56 715  227 1 28 6  972  753 1 332
Energy and water supply and construction 63 219  145  984  200  177 1 043 406 7 323 17  853  187 11 040 5 976 20 634
Production and distribution of electricity 24 945 16 34 3 4 35 215  206 2 12 5 58  340  348
Water, steam etc  381 0  263  143 28  274 620 1 107 0  643 44  471  664 1 897
Construction 37 893  129  687 55  145  733 571 6 010 16  197  138 10 510 4 972 18 390
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  151 043  324  482 79 45  498 077 1 702 41  152 44 4 700 6 804 7 525
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles  134 846  271  434 70 41  448 240 1 590 36  132 41 4 608 6 138 7 224
Hotels and restaurants 16 197 53 48 9 4 49 836  112 4 21 3 92  666  301
Transport 55 880  119 19 612 1 317  636 19 837 017  347 323 77 58 799 9 392 18 723 39 885  446 863
Transport via pipelines 12 999 1 14 5 0 14 102 37 0 0 1 1 10 48
Railways and trams 1 977 8 53 3 18 59 090  726 0 24 17 62  172  967
Other land transport 15 237 47 3 119  193  195 3 184 028 21 937 77  319  491 4 791 20 607 33 823
Air transport 5 071 13 1 443 33 46 1 458 103 4 992 0  165  114 2 116 5 444 8 805
Ocean transport 18 143 44 13 512  976  340 13 637 413  288 172 0 56 783 8 039 10 186 12 308  363 123
Inland water and costal transport 2 453 8 1 471  107 37 1 484 281 31 460 0 1 508  731 1 567 1 344 40 097
Services  240 472  312  783  237  174  842 213 4 125  184  124  104 10 913 28 680 19 105
Supporting activities for transport 16 046 28  183 32 21  190 511 1 593 20 56 38 6 363 3 255 8 664
Post and telecommunications 29 146 39  325  124 95  357 227 1 414  103 21 37 2 106 15 882 5 581
Financial intermediation 44 908 45  142 50 36  153 889  518 39 23 14  792 5 984 2 083
Dwelling services (households)7 59 601 1 . . . . . . . . . . .
Business services etc 90 771  200  133 31 22  140 585  600 22 23 15 1 652 3 559 2 776
Education, health and social work  154 536  533  613  146  202  678 444 1 432 85  237 44 3 358 13 407 6 583
Education 46 139  149 87 14 5 88 627  115 4 47 4 98  714  316
Health and social services 79 264  310  291 76  166  344 421  747 49 96 22 2 562 7 687 4 319
Other social and personal services 29 133 74  235 55 31  245 396  571 32 94 17  699 5 007 1 947
General government 55 479  154  268  162 786  355 3 797 109 1 933 2 95 45  798  752 5 518
Public administration and defence 33 911 99  186 14 6  188 335 1 805 1 75 42  776  645 3 049
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov 4 235 3 72  162 770  349 3 598 409  116 0 14 3 15 56 2 442
Other service activities, local gov 17 333 51 10 2 0 10 364 11 0 6 0 7 51 26
Household consumption 3 554 023 . 4 904 8 138 1 144 5 430 041 18 940 1 257  908  514 56 229  408 374  124 371
1  NAMEA-values use the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Total gross value added is the sum of value added for the different kind of activities including chaining discrepancies and without the corrections that are needed for calculating GNP (Gross National Product).
3  Household consumption is not included in the calculation for total value added.
4  Greenhouse gases calculations include only CO2, CH4 and N2O.
5  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
6  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
7  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
8  Last updated.: 20 March 2003.

Explanation of symbols