Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

2   Value added, employment and greenhouse gas, acidification and ozone precursor emissions according to industry groups. 20011 8
  Total gross value added2 Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Carbon dioxide - CO2 Methane - CH4 Nitrous oxide - N20 Hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) SF6 Greenhouse gases emissions4 Nitrogen oxides - NOx Ammonia - NH3 Sulphur dioxide - SO2 Acidification precursors5 Non-methane volatile organic carbons - NMVOC Carbon monoxide - CO Ozone precursors6
  Million NOK (basic prices) 1 000 full-time equiv. 1 000 tonnes Tonnes Ttonnes Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes acid-equivalents Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes NMVOC-equivalents
Total 1 018 116 1 977.3 56 494  334 452 18 282  291 683 1 043 412  773 351 71 293 198  521 466 22 689 94 576 15 626  402 056  572 813 1 105 936
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 24 677 76.0 1 933 96 681 9 418 14 925 25 0 6 897 810 39 076 20 131 1 060 2 067 4 017 21 250 55 381
Agriculture and hunting 10 298 55.9  439 96 557 9 362  880 0 0 5 369 915 5 979 20 129  149 1 319 2 475 13 260 12 579
Forestry and logging 5 440 4.8 49 13 18  880 0 0 55 844  736 0 12 16  765 1 240 1 800
Fishing 4 626 12.5 1 434  108 36 6 582 13 0 1 454 285 32 269 0  896  730  749 6 551 40 839
Fish farming 4 313 2.8 11 2 2 6 582 13 0 17 766 92 2 3 2 28  198  162
Mining and extraction  136 152 29.6 12 453 38 506  140 3 297 6 0 13 308 229 63 209 0  771 1 398  261 387 9 196  340 053
Mining and quarrying 2 516 4.0  179  966 39 22 0 0  211 347 1 546 0  111 37  252  420 2 198
Oil and gas extraction  131 384 15.9 11 825 37 362 98 3 275 6 0 12 643 456 54 961 0  499 1 210  260 550 8 052  329 011
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 2 252 9.7  449  178 3 0 0 0  453 427 6 703 0  161  151  584  724 8 844
Manufacturing  117 370  273.6 13 022 27 420 5 673 38 073 1 043 065  654 860 17 092 077 22 906  688 18 607 1 120 31 577 48 506 65 242
Fish and fish products 3 424 11.3  182 7 2 4 393 8 0  187 534  295 0  392 19 29  102  400
Meat and dairy products 4 411 15.6 97 4 3 9 859 19 0  107 630  295 1 44 8 52  259  440
Other food products 10 087 17.2  153 6 2 5 475 10 0  159 647  257 0  108 9  671  180 1 004
Beverages and tobacco 2 957 5.9 99 2 2 2 593 2 0  102 064  134 1 51 5 81  181  264
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 055 6.9 25 1 1 22 0 0 25 006 37 1 31 2  331 68  383
Wood and wood products 5 901 15.1 86 14 694 33 37 0 0  404 652  716 0  284 24 2 140 6 766 3 963
Pulp, paper and paper products 7 874 9.3  516 10 919  102 37 0 0  776 449 2 068 0 1 660 97  499 4 636 3 685
Publishing, printing, reproduction 9 812 30.4 41 3 2  110 0 0 41 698 48 2 2 1 5 918  256 6 004
Refined petroleum products, chemical and mineral products 7 831 21.7 3 694 90 31  256 0 0 3 706 000 6 782  164 3 467  265 15 808  588 24 147
Basic chemicals 7 359 7.3 2 961 1 168 5 474 98 0 0 4 682 614 4 848  377 5 327  294 1 632 32 103 11 094
Basic metals 12 796 13.9 4 841  503 10 1 276 1 043 025  653 665 6 552 375 6 694  135 7 099  375 1 838 2 127 10 246
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 28 267 73.8  226 11 6 13 698 0 1 195  242 866  331 4 99 11 1 032  601 1 502
Building and repairing of ships 4 090 13.3 32 2 1 73 0 0 32 800  221 0 12 5  599 97  879
Oil platforms and modules 6 300 18.6 15 1 0 73 0 0 14 823 24 0 5 1 4 21 36
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 4 206 13.3 55 9 3 73 0 0 55 920  158 1 24 4  944  522 1 195
Energy and water supply and construction 62 178  140.7 1 002  220  182 2 556 0 64 895 1 130 698 7 150 18  729  179 11 081 6 711 20 546
Production and distribution of electricity 26 146 15.0 44 3 4  220 0 64 895  110 240  194 2 16 5 50  285  318
Water, steam etc  116 0.3  284  165 34 0 0 0  298 250 1 157 0  584 43  583 1 810 2 196
Construction 35 916  125.4  674 52  144 2 336 0 0  722 209 5 800 17  129  131 10 448 4 615 18 032
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  154 709  322.7  480 76 50 43 124 61 0  540 348 1 575 44  147 41 4 679 6 093 7 272
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles  139 399  270.0  431 67 45 21 020 32 0  467 864 1 470 39  126 38 4 597 5 489 6 995
Hotels and restaurants 15 310 52.7 49 9 5 22 103 29 0 72 484  105 4 21 3 82  604  277
Transport 64 685  116.6 20 538 1 449  677 25 631 14 0 20 804 053  360 576 88 71 745 10 086 19 605 40 696  464 004
Transport via pipelines 25 332 0.6 14 5 0 0 0 0 14 275 38 0 0 1 1 10 49
Railways and trams 1 818 7.8 52 3 18 3 983 0 0 62 099  703 0 15 16 60  167  936
Other land transport 16 278 45.4 3 453  200  222 11 990 7 0 3 538 058 22 676 88  226  505 4 802 20 321 34 705
Air transport 3 876 12.6 1 446 39 46 1 174 0 0 1 461 707 4 936 0  211  114 2 542 6 006 9 226
Ocean transport 14 980 42.5 14 049 1 015  353 0 0 0 14 179 518  299 663 0 69 882 8 698 10 592 12 799  377 603
Inland water and costal transport 2 401 7.7 1 524  185 38 8 484 7 0 1 548 397 32 560 0 1 411  752 1 607 1 394 41 486
Services  252 431  317.7  792  225  197 15 320 20 45 410  919 114 3 805  199  127 98 10 326 25 624 17 790
Supporting activities for transport 16 260 27.7  181 30 23 10 199 18 0  198 410 1 467 21 56 35 6 170 2 773 8 264
Post and telecommunications 32 110 38.9  322  116  107  167 0 0  357 843 1 270  111 21 35 1 832 14 061 4 929
Financial intermediation 47 501 45.7  147 48 41  417 0 0  161 522  478 42 26 14  703 5 404 1 881
Dwelling services (households)7 60 513 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Business services etc 96 047  204.2  142 31 27 4 537 3 45 410  201 340  590 26 24 15 1 622 3 385 2 714
Education, health and social work  158 048  541.5  692  150  215  116 906  219  239  878 783 1 402 94  277 45 3 179 12 241 6 238
Education 46 744  150.7  100 16 5 1 158 1 0  103 456  120 5 55 5 88  649  306
Health and social services 82 179  318.8  326 77  173 1 545 1  239  383 314  717 54  112 22 2 445 6 913 4 081
Other social and personal services 29 125 72.0  265 57 37  114 203  216 0  392 013  565 36  111 18  646 4 679 1 851
General government 56 904  158.9  380  161 323  367 2 910 2 0 3 883 870 3 368 2  165 79  886  977 7 361
Public administration and defence 33 419 97.4  305 21 10 2 109 2 0  310 765 3 302 2  127 76  874  914 5 003
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov 4 658 4.0 62  161 300  357 7 0 0 3 560 283 54 0 32 2 6 21 2 333
Other service activities, local gov 18 826 57.5 12 2 0  794 1 0 12 823 12 0 7 0 6 42 25
Household consumption 3  548 304 0 5 202 8 403 1 363 28 941 0 7 946 5 838 216 18 398 1 425  949  513 55 320  401 519  122 051
1  NAMEA-values use the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Total gross value added is the sum of value added for the different kind of activities including chaining discrepancies and without the corrections that are needed for calculating GNP (Gross National Product).
3  Household consumption is not included in the calculation for total value added.
4  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
5  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
6  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
7  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
8  Last updated: Economic data 11.03.04, Emissions data 17.02.04.

Explanation of symbols