Statistics Norway

2   Value added in constant 1995 basic prices, employment and greenhouse gas, acidification and ozone precursor emissions according to industry groups. 2003*1, 8
  Total gross value added2 Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Carbon dioxide - CO2 Methane - CH4 Nitrous oxide - N20 Hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) SF6 Greenhouse gases emissions4 Nitrogen oxides - NOx Ammonia - NH3 Sulphur dioxide - SO2 Acidification precursors5 Non-methane volatile organic carbons - NMVOC Carbon monoxide - CO Ozone precursors6
  NOK million (constant 1995 basic prices) 1 000 full-time equiv. 1 000 tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes acid-equivalents Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes NMVOC-equivalents
Total 1 026 609 1 960.3     54 786     241 620     17 475     240 263     703 449     232 633      66 453 327     461 346    22 796    74 676    13 704     308 653     519 775  932 052
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 28 593 70.2 1 932 94 981 8 263 12 000 0 0 6 500 349 38 728 20 211 1 229 2 069 3 889 16 343 54 265
Agriculture and hunting 10 651 51.9  422 94 856 8 207 . . . . 5 288 20 209  118 1 307 2 347 8 343 11 044
Forestry and logging 5 383 4.5 45 13 17 . . . .  676 0 10 15  758 1 217 1 716
Fishing 3 733 11.1 1 453  110 37 . . . . 32 670 0 1 098  745  757 6 597 41 342
Fish farming 8 826 2.7 12 2 2 . . . . 95 2 3 2 26  186  162
Mining and extraction  135 854 30.8 13 608 34 581  144 2 605 0 0 14 381 657 65 784 0  975 1 461  174 569 8 982  256 298
Mining and quarrying 2 753 3.9  170 1 585 37 . . . . 1 443 0 99 34  241  381 2 066
Oil and gas extraction  131 471 15.6 13 361 32 884  107 . . . . 63 280 0  847 1 402  174 204 8 483  252 799
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 1 630 11.3 77  112 1 . . . . 1 062 0 28 24  124  118 1 434
Manufacturing  112 002  256.2 12 100 14 748 5 703 30 241  703 449  173 275 15 084 413 21 259  516 15 859  988 30 965 33 568 60 800
Fish and fish products 2 655 10.3  175 6 2 . . . .  241 0  357 16 28  118  334
Meat and dairy products 4 741 15.6  119 5 3 . . . .  247 1 27 6 37  177  359
Other food products 9 991 17.2  210 8 4 . . . .  320 1  120 11  968  262 1 388
Beverages and tobacco 2 560 6.0  113 4 3 . . . .  133 2 45 4 88  292  282
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 1 466 5.4 25 1 1 . . . . 37 1 19 1  328 50  379
Wood and wood products 5 012 14.5 80 7 405 18 . . . .  434 0  204 16 1 852 3 543 2 875
Pulp, paper and paper products 7 345 8.5  535 5 625 87 . . . . 1 874 0 1 742 95  426 3 835 3 212
Publishing, printing, reproduction 9 929 28.1 37 2 2 . . . . 33 1 2 1 5 902  145 5 958
Refined petroleum products, chemical and mineral products 7 521 21.2 3 953  247 35 . . . . 7 394  132 3 277  271 15 666  636 24 760
Basic chemicals 7 546 6.8 2 367 1 060 5 534 . . . . 4 587  366 4 694  268 1 623 23 246 9 792
Basic metals 11 194 12.0 4 174  369 5 . . . . 5 295 4 5 210  278 1 530  515 8 052
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 27 452 68.2  231 9 5 . . . .  293 3  134 11  997  359 1 394
Building and repairing of ships 3 504 11.2 25 1 1 . . . .  212 0 12 5  591 45  855
Oil platforms and modules 6 633 19.6 17 1 0 . . . . 50 0 3 1 7 33 72
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 4 453 11.6 40 6 2 . . . .  108 4 12 3  921  314 1 087
Energy and water supply and construction 58 611  140.5 1 145  255  179 2 330 0 46 293 1 254 062 6 862 19  835  176 11 073 6 314 20 142
Production and distribution of electricity 23 057 13.3 40 2 4 . . . .  158 1 9 4 34  179  246
Water, steam etc 85 0.3  435  200 39 . . . . 1 529 0  694 55  705 2 107 2 805
Construction 35 469  126.9  669 53  137 . . . . 5 175 18  132  118 10 334 4 029 17 092
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  163 559  329.2  494 75 62 36 038 0 0  550 301 1 428 51 85 37 4 507 5 391 6 843
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles  148 654  277.5  446 67 56 . . . . 1 337 46 74 34 4 440 4 887 6 610
Hotels and restaurants 14 905 51.7 47 8 6 . . . . 90 5 11 3 66  504  232
Transport 67 885  112.2 18 098 1 358  625 30 227 0 0 18 350 460  304 429 92 54 508 8 327 17 161 35 907  392 533
Transport via pipelines 29 915 0.5 14 5 0 . . . . 37 0 0 1 1 10 48
Railways and trams 1 340 7.3 45 3 15 . . . .  605 0 11 14 52  143  806
Other land transport 16 012 44.1 3 737  190  242 . . . . 21 591 92  231  482 4 361 17 433 32 622
Air transport 5 335 10.6 1 267 36 40 . . . . 4 301 0  121 97 2 467 6 443 8 424
Ocean transport 12 767 41.6 11 257  813  283 . . . .  240 066 0 51 831 6 839 8 485 10 253  302 506
Inland water and costal transport 2 516 8.1 1 779  311 45 . . . . 37 828 0 2 314  895 1 794 1 624 48 128
Services  261 374  316.5  779  206  229 94 754 0 4 780  953 588 3 251  211 92 86 9 518 20 699 15 764
Supporting activities for transport 14 616 30.2  188 30 27 . . . . 1 381 23 50 33 6 044 2 381 7 992
Post and telecommunications 37 343 34.9  306  103  122 . . . .  991  115 12 29 1 394 11 127 3 828
Financial intermediation 46 852 45.1  150 45 50 . . . .  396 47 15 12  565 4 515 1 546
Dwelling services (households)7 63 095 1.2 0 0 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Business services etc 99 468  205.1  135 27 30 . . . .  483 26 14 13 1 514 2 676 2 398
Education, health and social work  164 996  558.7  928  177  246 2 383 0  239 1 010 455 1 431  108  203 44 2 960 10 920 5 910
Education 47 252  151.6  199 29 7 . . . .  191 4 54 6 83  619  384
Health and social services 86 975  332.3  428 88  193 . . . .  712 62 82 22 2 323 6 181 3 872
Other social and personal services 30 769 74.8  301 60 47 . . . .  529 41 67 16  554 4 120 1 654
General government 53 698  146.0  228 85 945  360 2 533 0 0 2 146 758 1 875 1 83 43  747  521 4 295
Public administration and defence 33 475 95.6  184 16 5 . . . . 1 806 1 71 42  728  371 2 972
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov 4 221 3.7 14 85 924  354 . . . . 36 0 1 1 4 17 1 253
Other service activities, local gov 16 002 46.7 30 5 1 . . . . 32 0 10 1 15  133 69
Household consumption 3  581 122 0 5 475 9 293 1 665 27 153 0 8 046 6 221 283 16 299 1 586  808  473 53 264  381 129  115 203
1  NAMEA-values use the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Total gross value added is the sum of value added for the different kind of activities including chaining discrepancies and without the corrections that are needed for calculating GNP (Gross National Product).
3  Household consumption is not included in the calculation for total value added.
4  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
5  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
6  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
7  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
8  Last updated: Economic data 10 March 2005, Emissions data 9 February 2005.

Explanation of symbols