Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

2   Value added in constant 2000 basic prices, employment and greenhouse gas, acidification and ozone precursor emissions according to industry groups. 2004*1, 8
  Total gross value added2 Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Carbon dioxide - CO2 Methane - CH4 Nitrous oxide - N20 Hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) SF6 Greenhouse gases emissions4 Nitrogen oxides - NOx Ammonia - NH3 Sulphur dioxide - SO2 Acidification precursors5 Non-methane volatile organic carbons - NMVOC Carbon monoxide - CO Ozone precursors6
  Million NOK (constant 1995 basic prices) 1000 full-time equiv. 1000 tonnes tonnes tonnes Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes acid-equivalents tonnes tonnes tonnes NMVOC-equivalents
Total 1 419 884 1 952.4 54 979  229 412 15 090  401 165  880 285  275 678 66 031 062  443 702 22 909 71 064 13 232  273 423  493 262  872 209
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 33 121 67.9 1 890  105 468 6 950 . 25 - . 38 034 20 187 1 145 2 050 3 318 16 101 52 968
Agriculture and hunting 10 543 49.6  411  105 354 6 894 . . . . 5 256 20 185  108 1 305 2 327 8 939 11 197
Forestry and logging 5 418 4.6 49 5 20 . . . .  791 0 12 18  228  501 1 248
Fishing 6 944 11.1 1 419  107 36 . 13 . . 31 906 - 1 022  726  743 6 513 40 386
Fish farming 10 216 2.6 11 2 1 . 13 . . 81 2 3 2 20  148  136
Mining and extraction  341 236 32.1 13 667 38 281  164 . 6 - . 64 496 1  786 1 427  144 873 9 405  225 128
Mining and quarrying 3 161 3.9  184 2 787 52 . . . . 2 021 1 80 46  292  526 2 855
Oil and gas extraction  333 313 17.0 13 434 35 385  112 . 6 . . 61 719 -  688 1 363  144 492 8 756  221 247
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 4 762 11.2 49  109 0 . . . .  756 - 18 17 89  123 1 026
Manufacturing  151 537  248.9 12 822 12 650 6 352 .  879 938  206 735 . 20 818  565 18 068 1 050 31 127 25 300 59 484
Fish and fish products 5 979 10.0  180 7 2 . 8 . .  303 0  268 15 36  146  422
Meat and dairy products 7 525 15.2 96 4 2 . 19 . .  228 1 23 6 35  161  331
Other food products 8 643 17.4  169 7 2 . 10 . .  246 1 92 8 1 022  195 1 343
Beverages and tobacco 3 983 5.6  260 3 1 . 2 . .  102 3 43 4 86  273  241
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 024 5.0 25 1 0 . . . . 36 1 29 2  326 30  373
Wood and wood products 6 927 14.6 75 5 083 15 . . . .  398 1  208 15 1 811 3 073 2 705
Pulp, paper and paper products 6 165 8.0  568 3 755 42 . . . . 1 775 0 1 979  100  386 3 374 2 975
Publishing, printing, reproduction 16 736 26.8 32 2 1 . . . . 27 2 1 1 5 901  141 5 950
Refined petroleum products, chemical and mineral products 14 148 21.2 3 615 2 633 37 . . . . 6 032  134 3 261  241 15 473  608 22 936
Basic chemicals 6 341 6.7 2 911  660 6 055 . . . . 4 529  411 5 791  304 1 699 16 300 9 026
Basic metals 13 374 12.8 4 706  482  192 .  879 899  205 540 . 6 675 4 6 336  343 1 847  321 10 033
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 37 670 65.5  113 6 2 . . 1 195 .  235 3 21 6  994  336 1 318
Building and repairing of ships 4 074 9.0 20 1 0 . . . . 87 0 5 2  589 56  701
Oil platforms and modules 9 531 19.9 15 1 0 . . . . 43 0 3 1 6 30 62
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 8 417 11.2 37 5 2 . . . .  102 4 8 3  916  256 1 068
Energy and water supply and construction 75 055  144.4 1 066  256  152 . . 54 646 . 6 479 20 1 455  188 11 096 6 552 19 725
Production and distribution of electricity 22 860 12.6 42 3 2 . . 54 646 .  239 1 14 6 28  148  336
Water, steam etc 50 0.4  394  207 30 . . . . 1 129 0 1 335 66  766 2 575 2 429
Construction 52 145  131.4  630 46  120 . . . . 5 111 19  106  116 10 302 3 829 16 960
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  154 473  327.0  517 75 17 . 61 . . 1 373 54 85 36 4 419 4 924 6 636
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles  137 721  275.2  460 66 16 . . . . 1 279 49 74 33 4 359 4 467 6 411
Hotels and restaurants 16 752 51.8 58 9 2 . . . . 94 5 11 3 60  457  224
Transport 81 778  111.3 17 734 1 425  499 . 13 . .  290 267 85 48 447 7 829 16 442 34 355  374 366
Transport via pipelines 33 702 0.5 13 5 0 . . . . 35 - - 1 1 10 46
Railways and trams 1 722 6.9 47 3 17 . . . .  657 - 12 15 56  155  875
Other land transport 18 532 44.6 4 057  175  133 . 7 . . 22 050 85  218  491 4 222 15 937 32 879
Air transport 7 956 10.9 1 263 35 40 . . . . 4 292 -  120 97 2 399 6 996 8 405
Ocean transport 17 050 40.3 10 683  772  269 . . . .  227 859 - 45 849 6 386 8 054 9 732  287 123
Inland water and costal transport 2 816 8.1 1 671  435 42 . 7 . . 35 374 - 2 248  839 1 710 1 525 45 039
Services  302 187  312.4  745  186 48 . 20 4 780 . 3 157  213 83 84 6 794 17 872 12 615
Supporting activities for transport 16 810 30.0  184 29 8 . 18 . . 1 501 26 47 36 3 689 2 234 5 766
Post and telecommunications 31 578 32.6  277 88 22 . . . .  834  110 7 25 1 125 9 124 3 148
Financial intermediation 50 946 44.8  141 41 10 . . . .  349 47 14 11  479 3 894 1 334
Dwelling services (households)7 73 166 1.2 - - - . . . . - - - - - - -
Business services etc  129 687  203.8  143 28 8 . 3 4 780 .  473 30 15 13 1 501 2 620 2 367
Education, health and social work  214 701  561.4  761  150  155 .  219  239 . 1 216  111  172 38 2 766 9 579 5 306
Education 58 966  150.3  132 20 2 . 1 . .  134 4 37 4 66  519  288
Health and social services  115 125  334.2  345 74  141 . 1  239 .  597 64 61 19 2 211 5 403 3 535
Other social and personal services 40 610 76.9  285 56 12 .  216 . .  485 43 74 15  489 3 657 1 484
General government 69 629  147.0  363 61 780  364 . 2 - . 2 524 1 89 58  989 1 622 5 112
Public administration and defence 42 979 95.7  337 15 9 . 2 . . 2 462 1 81 56  967 1 443 4 130
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov 6 238 4.0 9 61 761  354 . - . . 37 - 1 1 5 18  916
Other service activities, local gov 20 412 47.3 17 4 1 . 1 . . 25 1 7 1 17  161 65
Household consumption 3  679 039 0 5 414 9 141  388 . - 9 279 . 15 338 1 671  734  473 51 599  367 552  110 870
1  NAMEA-values use the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Total gross value added is the sum of value added for the different kind of activities including chaining discrepancies and without the corrections that are needed for calculating GNP (Gross National Product).
3  Household consumption is not included in the calculation for total value added.
4  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
5  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
6  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
7  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
8  Last updated: Economic data 06.06.06, Emissions data 11.05.06.

Explanation of symbols