Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

2   Value added in constant 2000 basic prices, employment and greenhouse gas, acidification and ozone precursor emissions according to industry groups. 2005*1, 8
  Total gross value added2 Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Carbon dioxide - CO2 Methane - CH4 Nitrous oxide - N20 Hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulphurhexafluorid (SF6) Greenhouse gases emissions4 Nitrogen oxides - NOx Ammonia - NH3 Sulphur dioxide - SO2 Acidification precursors5 Non-methane volatile organic carbons - NMVOC Carbon monoxide - CO Ozone precursors6
  Million NOK (constant 1995 basic prices) 1 000 full-time equiv. 1 000 tonnes tonnes tonnes Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents Tonnes CO2-equivalents tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes acid-equivalents tonnes tonnes tonnes NMVOC-equivalents
Total 1 431 493   1 984.2  55 311    210 856  15 730  482 495  828 995    312 032   66 238 614   423 782  23 030   69 044 12 725  230 664  457 449  800 949
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 42 025 68.7 1 803  106 352 6 993 20 721 25 - 6 225 040 27 743 20 328 1 109 1 834 3 294 15 322 40 315
Agriculture and hunting 11 364 51.4  415  106 244 6 935  531 - - 4 796 440 3 603 20 326  100 1 277 2 308 8 327 9 107
Forestry and logging 5 358 4.1 58 6 23  531 - - 65 656  578 0 14 13  268  590 1 038
Fishing 7 868 9.7 1 318  100 33 9 829 13 - 1 340 727 23 474 -  992  541  698 6 262 30 027
Fish farming 17 435 3.5 12 2 1 9 829 13 - 22 216 88 2 3 2 20  143  143
Mining and extraction  333 815 35.9 13 632 32 384  172 4 921 6 - 14 370 304 64 648 1 1 272 1 445  104 578 9 451  184 942
Mining and quarrying 2 904 3.8  193 2 023 60 24 - -  253 686 1 616 1 55 37  309  587 2 373
Oil and gas extraction  324 162 18.7 13 343 30 244  112 4 896 6 - 14 017 271 61 666 - 1 186 1 378  104 138 8 653  180 746
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 6 749 13.4 97  117 1 - - - 99 347 1 366 - 31 31  131  211 1 822
Manufacturing  154 050  247.5 12 377 12 503 6 749 40 560  828 648  241 350 15 842 676 19 896  552 17 268 1 005 30 501 27 888 58 017
Fish and fish products 4 480 8.7  138 6 10 6 560 8 -  147 458  382 0  225 15 54  154  537
Meat and dairy products 6 809 17.1  101 5 4 14 730 19 -  117 132  262 1 24 7 43  188  383
Other food products 8 298 14.7  149 7 5 8 179 10 -  159 244  272 1 31 7 1 164  192 1 517
Beverages and tobacco 4 464 5.0  215 1 1 4 823 2 -  219 949  101 1 27 3 66 88  199
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 411 4.5 21 1 0 24 - - 21 306 32 1 22 1  325 27  367
Wood and wood products 7 649 14.3 77 4 924 23 41 - -  187 451  500 0  207 17 1 820 2 945 2 823
Pulp, paper and paper products 6 012 7.7  493 3 804 78 41 - -  597 534 1 736 0 2 052  102  486 4 528 3 155
Publishing, printing, reproduction 15 906 24.8 37 2 1  122 - - 37 842 36 2 1 1 5 903  156 5 964
Refined petroleum products, chemical and mineral products 16 272 20.8 3 847 2 712 41  252 - - 3 917 288 6 002  135 3 826  258 14 814  890 22 272
Basic chemicals 5 710 7.9 2 586  637 6 404  114 - - 4 584 403 4 483  398 5 186  283 1 668 17 682 9 091
Basic metals 15 399 11.3 4 496  388  163  745  828 608  240 155 5 623 778 5 262 5 5 622  290 1 595  209 8 043
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 38 776 68.4  131 7 9 4 686 - 1 195  139 675  360 3 22 9 1 015  365 1 494
Building and repairing of ships 5 025 10.8 26 2 3 82 - - 26 788  218 1 8 5  601 80  876
Oil platforms and modules 10 000 20.4 23 1 2 82 - - 23 729 80 0 3 2 13 47  116
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 6 839 11.1 37 6 6 82 - - 39 099  170 5 12 4  934  337 1 179
Energy and water supply and construction 79 523  158.7 1 126  288  212 1 830 - 54 910 1 254 255 6 302 22 1 542  186 11 177 7 115 19 652
Production and distribution of electricity 24 971 11.1 40 31 10  245 - 54 910 98 806  230 1 12 5 27  140  323
Water, steam etc 72 0.5  394  203 28 - - -  406 383 1 057 0 1 394 67  756 2 656 2 341
Construction 54 480  147.1  692 54  174 1 586 - -  749 065 5 015 21  136  114 10 394 4 319 16 988
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  162 861  334.6  511 72 17 73 437 61 -  591 709 1 265 55 73 33 4 270 4 532 6 313
Wholesale and retail trade, maintainance and repair of vehicles  144 705  280.8  454 63 16 33 303 32 -  493 205 1 177 50 63 30 4 215 4 108 6 104
Hotels and restaurants 18 156 53.8 58 9 2 40 133 29 - 98 505 88 5 10 3 55  424  209
Transport 73 626  118.1 18 928 1 549  630 46 393 14 - 19 202 223  283 765 77 47 006 7 642 17 257 32 817  367 082
Transport via pipelines 26 689 0.5 14 5 0 - - - 13 699 36 - - 1 1 10 46
Railways and trams 1 777 7.2 45 3 16 6 075 0 - 56 298  636 - 11 14 54  150  846
Other land transport 18 518 47.6 4 162  162  236 21 636 7 - 4 259 873 22 482 77  101  496 4 270 15 022 33 353
Air transport 7 799 11.0 1 280 35 41 1 809 0 - 1 294 904 4 370 -  114 99 2 358 5 396 8 283
Ocean transport 17 164 44.4 11 813  854  297 - - - 11 922 908  225 670 - 44 934 6 310 8 908 10 764  285 421
Inland water and costal transport 1 679 7.4 1 615  490 40 16 873 7 - 1 654 542 30 571 - 1 846  722 1 666 1 475 39 132
Services  309 307  313.9  693  166 44 22 726 20 4 780  737 968 2 708  204 60 73 6 613 15 310 11 603
Supporting activities for transport 17 033 31.1  171 26 7 15 300 18 -  188 966 1 272 25 40 30 3 819 1 936 5 584
Post and telecommunications 32 490 32.2  244 75 20  194 0 -  251 847  683  101 2 21  903 7 461 2 558
Financial intermediation 57 411 46.1  130 37 9  486 0 -  134 087  304 46 9 10  415 3 441 1 165
Dwelling services (households)7 62 638 1.0 - - - 6 745 3 4 780 11 528 - - - - - - -
Business services etc  139 735  203.5  148 28 8 - - -  151 540  449 32 9 12 1 476 2 472 2 296
Education, health and social work  217 949  563.7  659  133  154  179 461  219  239  889 490 1 054  111  129 33 2 616 8 556 4 845
Education 59 809  153.0  100 16 2 1 691 1 -  103 004  104 4 26 3 53  424  227
Health and social services  115 943  333.8  305 67  141 2 132 1  239  352 631  523 65 44 17 2 132 4 871 3 307
Other social and personal services 42 197 76.9  254 50 11  175 637  216 -  433 854  427 43 59 14  431 3 261 1 311
General government 66 140  143.1  347 48 834  377 4 261 2 - 1 493 166 2 327 1 80 53 1 004 1 670 4 710
Public administration and defence 41 338 92.5  326 12 11 3 030 2 -  332 047 2 274 1 74 52  990 1 558 3 936
Water, wastewater and waste, local gov 4 455 4.2 9 48 819  366 8 - - 1 147 461 36 - 1 1 5 17  734
Other service activities, local gov 20 347 46.4 12 3 1 1 224 1 - 13 657 17 0 5 1 9 95 40
Household consumption 3  725 686 0 5 234 8 575  382 88 185 - 10 753 5 631 783 14 074 1 679  505  420 49 354  334 788  103 471
1  NAMEA-values use the National Accounts definition of Norwegian activity, not a geographic definition of Norwegian territory as is used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Total gross value added is the sum of value added for the different kind of activities including chaining discrepancies and without the corrections that are needed for calculating GNP (Gross National Product).
3  Household consumption is not included in the calculation for total value added.
4  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
5  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
6  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
7  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
8  Last updated: Economic data 22.02.07, Emissions data 12.02.07.

Explanation of symbols