Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

2 Output (in constant 2000 basic prices), employment, emissions to air and emissions intensities, by industry and households. 2007*1
  Output Employments (full-time equivalent persons) Greenhouse gases emissions2 Acidification precursors3 Ozone precursors4 Emissions intensity for greenhouse gases7 emissions intensity for acidification precursors7 Emissions intensity for ozone precursors7
  NOK million (constant 2000 basic prices) 1 000 full-time equiv. tonnes CO2 equivalents tonnes acid equivalents tonnes NMVOC equivalents tonnes CO2 equivalents per NOK million (fixed 2000 prices) tonnes acid equivalents per NOK million (fixed 2000 prices) tonnes NMVOC equivalents per NOK million (fixed 2000 prices)
Total . . 68 215 167 12 512  777 786 . . .
Total for industries 3 014 495 2 159.8 62 674 837 12 132  683 581 20.79 0.004 0.23
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 64 478 65.7 6 063 815 1 739 37 622 94.04 0.027 0.58
Mining and extraction  377 317 41.9 15 390 903 1 367  156 595 40.79 0.004 0.42
Manufacturing  616 595  274.9 14 665 417  881 56 754 23.78 0.001 0.09
Energy and water supply and construction  249 852  190.3 2 743 703  192 19 149 10.98 0.001 0.08
Transport  189 295  123.7 21 426 652 7 797  383 469  113.19 0.041 2.03
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants  372 017  350.6  649 896 31 13 429 1.75 0.000 0.04
Services5  710 702  369.2  686 868 68 9 765 0.97 0.000 0.01
Education, health and social work  335 636  597.1  816 310 27 4 818 2.43 0.000 0.01
General government  117 580  146.5  231 271 30 1 980 1.97 0.000 0.02
Households5, 6  814 837 0.0 5 540 330  380 94 205 6.80 0.000 0.12
1  The integrated environmental and economic accounts use the national accounts definition of Norwegian economic activity (resicence principle) and not the geographic definition of Norwegian territory (territorial principle) used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
3  Acidification precursor calculations include NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions.
4  Ozone precursor calculations include NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 emissions.
5  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.
6  Output is replaced by consumption for households.
7  Consumption in households are not included in output or in calculation of emission intensities.

Explanation of symbols