Statistics Norway

National accounts and environment

1 Output, employment, greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas emission intensities. Preliminary figures for 20111
  Output in constant 2005-prices
(NOK million)
(1 000 full-time equivalent persons)
Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2-equivalents)2 Emissions intensity for greenhouse gases (tonnes CO2-equivalents/output in NOK million
Total for industries and households . . 64 381 971 .
Total for industries 3 565 409 2 324.6 59 371 147 16.7
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 71 307 59.8 6 253 013 87.7
Mining and oil and gas extraction, incl. service activities  481 504 57.6 14 019 666 29.1
Manufacturing  620 114  232.5 12 360 803 19.9
Energy and water supply, sewage and waste management 80 930 26.3 3 638 621 45.0
Construction  265 275  188.6  830 576 3.1
Transport incl. International ocean- and airtransport  276 800  147.3 20 347 455 73.5
Wholesale and retail trade, motor veh. rep., accommod. and food service activities  395 788  364.2  609 899 1.5
Other service activities3  869 900  465.8  705 354 0.8
Education, human health and social work activities  337 344  612.7  337 574 1.0
Public administration and defence  171 614  169.8  268 187 1.6
Households . . 5 010 823 .
1  The integrated environmental and economic accounts use the national accounts definition of Norwegian economic activity (residence principle) and not the geographic definition of Norwegian territory (territorial principle) used for reporting to the Kyoto proctocol and other international air emissions reporting systems.
2  Greenhouse gases calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFK, PFK og SF6.
3  Emissions for dwelling services are included in emissions from household consumption.

Explanation of symbols