Bonds and commercial papers

4   Domestic bond depts. 2.quarter 2000-2.quarter 2001. Nominal value. Million krones
Borrowers 2.quarter 2000 3. quarter 2000 4. quarter 2000 1. quarter 2001 2. quarter 2001
Total amount of dept 386 951 397 547 413 979 428 106 419 428
Central government 139 634 141 511 144 162 148 051 126 353
State lending intitutions 358 347 326 316 295
Commercial banks 51 863 53 758 56 194 56 179 62 033
Of this in foreign currency 43 46 44 46 47
Savings banks 36 471 43 526 46 899 51 964 55 399
Mortgage companies 69 976 67 350 67 861 67 697 67 147
Of this in foreign currency 69 - 93 - -
Finance companies 483 483 93 75 75
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxiliaries 1 900 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300
Life insurance companies 819 819 819 819 994
Non-life insurance companies 69 - - - -
Counties 6 228 6 541 6 462 6 738 6 723
Municipalties 14 422 14 896 19 747 20 626 22 198
State enterprises 15 920 17 615 18 517 14 912 15 498
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 22 063 20 665 20 973 21 454 21 408
Private companies 20 228 20 446 22 570 29 883 31 255
Rest of the world 6 517 7 290 7 057 7 093 7 750
Of this in foreign currency 162 168 165 163 163
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository

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