Statistisk sentralbyrå

Bonds and commercial papers

3   Bonds issued in Norway1. 4. quarter 2000 og 2001. Nominal value. Million krones
Borrowers 2000 2001*
October November December January-december     October November December January-december
Total amount of issues 5 502 11 820 7 120 86 883 7 199 7 289 6 601 78 927
Central government - 3 000 - 16 700 - 2 000 - 12 400
Commercial banks 384 2 572 1 148 16 718 1 121 1 045 1 730 14 981
Savings banks 2 503 2 296 1 024 21 058 1 958 771 783 19 222
Mortgage companies 755 337 189 8 097 391 921 670 6 009
Finance companies - - - - - - - -
Other financial corporations                
excl. financial auxiliaries - - - 400 - - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - - - - 175
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Counties - - - 1 690 - - - 300
Municipalties 185 1 965 3 170 7 600 - 150 248 4 093
State enterprises 1 000 - - 4 010 1 100 1 100 700 4 800
Local government enterprises                
and other municipal enterprises - 1 200 - 2 065 - 400 1 045 3 402
Of this in foreign currency - - - - - - - 317
Private companies 675 450 1 569 6 247 1 449 452 879 10 113
Of this in foreign currency - - - - 88 - - 371
Rest of the world - - 20 2 298 1 180 450 546 3 432
Of this in foreign currency - - - - - - - 58
1  The accrual accounting is dependent on the month of registration in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository.
Source:  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

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