Bonds and commercial papers

1   Commercial papers issued1 in Norway. 1. quarter 2001 and 2002. Nominal value. Million kroner2
Borrowers 2001 2002*
Jauary February March Jan-March Jauary February March Jan-March
Total amount of issues 24 947 22 506 38 961 86 414 22 749 25 643 40 611 89 002
Central government 2 000 4 500 7 500 14 000 4 000 6 500 7 500 18 000
Commercial banks 3 370 3 278 9 864 16 512 4 168 4 593 9 550 18 310
Of this in foreign currency - 36 2 076 2 112 28 45 228 300
Savings banks 5 400 6 205 11 089 22 694 2 960 5 741 11 890 20 591
Mortgage companies 5 321 1 778 2 778 9 877 1 635 2 005 1 915 5 555
Of this in foreign currency - - - - - - - -
Finance companies 50 200 250 500 - 450 100 550
Counties 374 224 85 683 550 - 379 929
Municipalities 1 123 1 388 1 097 3 608 842 462 796 2 100
State enterprises 1 500 1 050 500 3 050 2 345 600 1 750 4 695
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 2 933 1 798 2 516 7 247 3 687 2 437 1 758 7 882
Private companies 2 776 2 085 1 852 6 713 2 437 2 830 3 998 9 265
Of this in foreign currency - - - - - - - -
Rest of the world 100 - 1 430 1 530 125 25 975 1 125
1  The accrual accounting is dependent on the month of registration in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository.
2  Incluedes treasury bills (from july 2000) and commercial papers in foreign currency issued by foreigners in Norway.
Source: Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols