Bonds and commercial papers

2   Domestic bond debts. 3. quarter 2001-3. quarter 2002. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 30.09.2001 31.12.2001 31.03.2002 30.06.2002 30.09.2002
Total amount of debt  138 342  121 513  131 792  131 343  139 826
Central government 35 500 36 000 36 500 33 000 41 500
Commercial banks 19 963 13 566 21 828 19 715 17 378
Of which in foreign currency 36  372  228  456  356
Savings banks 38 490 37 965 34 561 35 586 38 891
Mortgage companies 9 177 5 500 4 380 3 572 3 522
Of which in foreign currency 2 665 - - - -
Finance companies  500  575  550  625  600
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxiliaries - - - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries - - - - -
Counties 2 389 2 359 1 163 1 076 1 026
Municipalities 3 250 3 135 3 431 3 476 3 182
State enterprises 3 900 3 030 4 995 9 705 11 992
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 11 896 10 073 11 069 9 439 8 790
Private companies 11 237 7 424 11 115 13 324 11 445
Rest of the world 2 040 1 885 2 200 1 825 1 500
Source: Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols