Bonds and commercial papers

3   Bonds issued in Norway1. 4. quarter 2001 and 2002. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2001* 2002*
October November December Jan.-Dec. October November December Jan.-Dec.
Total amount of issues 6 608 6 959 6 556 75 757 9 374 23 199 12 218  134 728
Central government - 2 000 - 12 400 - 3 000 4 850 21 850
Commercial banks  686 1 015 1 755 14 136 2 292  858  795 22 807
Savings banks 1 808  771  733 18 216 3 741 1 048  985 26 977
Mortgage companies  385  621  650 5 682  995  170 94 16 824
Finance companies - - - - - - -  500
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxiliaries - - - - - - 1 525 1 525
Life insurance companies - - -  175 - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - 77
Counties - - -  300 -  200 -  300
Municipalities -  150  248 3 849  141  175 - 1 694
State enterprises 1 100 1 100  700 4 800  906 15 543 3 000 20 987
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises -  400 1 045 2 662 - - - 1 700
Of this in foreign currency - - -  317 - - - -
Private companies 1 449  452  879 10 106 1 299  925  569 15 353
Of this in foreign currency 88 - -  371 6 - - 3 586
Rest of the world 1 180  450  546 3 431 - 1 280  400 4 134
Of this in foreign currency - - - 58 - - - 9
1  The accrual accounting is dependent on the month of registration in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository.
Source: Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols