Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

1   Domestic bond debts1, 31 December 2003 and 2004. Issues, payments and other changes (gross), by issuing sector. Nominal value. NOK million
Issuing sector Total bond debt 31 December 2003 Issues 2004 Principal repayments 2004 Changes in sector classification and exchange rates during 2004 Total bond debt 2004
Total amount  519 739  125 650  111 697 -269  533 424
General government  182 106       27 630 45 801 -  163 935
Central government  152 392 22 000 39 643 -  134 749
County municipalities 6 179  625 2 099 - 4 705
Municipalities 23 535 5 005 4 059 - 24 481
Financial enterprises  222 901 66 190 41 682 -  247 408
State lending institutions  148 - 50 - 98
Commercial and savings banks  156 451 54 791 30 203 -  181 039
Mortgage companies 62 866 10 212 11 355 - 61 723
Finance companies  500  125 - -  625
Other financial enterprises 2 000 1 062 - - 3 062
Life insurance companies etc  239 - 64 -  175
Non-life insurance companies 77 - - - 77
Financial auxiliaries  619 - 10 -  609
Non-financial enterprises 96 994 25 869 21 289 -269  101 305
Central government enterprises - - - - -
Other state-owned enterprises etc 34 333 9 068 7 862 - 35 540
Municipal enterprises 22 262 5 046 3 020 7 027 31 315
Of which in foreign currency  337 - - -7  330
Private incorporated companies(i.e. joint stock companies) 40 398 11 756 10 406 -7 297 34 451
Of which in foreign currency 2 884  140 - -262 2 762
Private non-profit institutions serving businesses - - - - -
Households etc.  213 -  118 - 96
Quasi-corporated private enterprises etc  213 -  118 - 96
Private non-profit institutions serving households - - - - -
Unincorporated private enterprises - - - - -
Rest of the world 17 525 5 961 2 807 - 20 680
1  Includes own stock of bonds and domestic issues in foreign currency.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols