Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

6   Domestic bond issues1, by issuing sector. 31 December 1995-31 December 2004. Nominal value. NOK million
Issuing sector 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Total amount 57 637    71 372    73 973    77 837    77 395    86 886    75 754     131 041     124 407     125 651
Central government 21 078 21 000 14 000 14 000 15 900 16 700 12 400 21 850 29 000 22 000
County municipalities  927  931  971  389 1 949 1 690  300  300 1 350  625
Municipalities 2 770 4 248 1 952 2 081 3 289 7 600 3 849 1 694 7 250 5 005
State lending institutions 5 109 4 466 3 942 9 941 13 945 - - - - -
Commercial and savings banks 10 037 24 328 38 597 34 638 20 849 36 076 32 352 47 378 49 684 54 791
Of which in foreign currency - - - 38 - - - - - -
Mortgage companies 8 878 6 987 5 920 8 121 11 787 8 099 5 682 16 824 10 067 10 212
Of which in foreign currency - - - - 63 - - - - -
Finance companies 1 160 50  150  150 50 - -  500 -  125
Other financial enterprises - - -  100 -  400 - 1 525 - 1 062
Life insurance companies etc - -  480 - 64 -  175 - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - 77 - -
Financial auxiliaries - - - - - - - - 21 -
Central government enterprises  154 - - - - - - - - -
Other state-owned enterprises etc 2 250 3 435 - 1 800 4 337 4 010 4 800 20 342 3 425 9 068
Municipal enterprises 2 315 2 072 2 535 2 902 1 832 2 065 2 662 1 700 5 120 5 046
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - -  317 - - -
Others 1 710 2 299 4 375 2 884 2 332 6 247 10 101 14 917 12 328 11 756
Of which in foreign currency - - - -  482 -  371 3 155  227  140
Rest of the world 1 250 1 556 1 050  832 1 062 3 998 3 431 3 934 6 162 5 961
Of which in foreign currency 50 -  146 - - - 58 9 7 -
1  First issue of bonds by Norwegian sectors.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

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