Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

3   Domestic bond debts1. Nominal value. NOK million
Borrowers 2006 2005
Dec Nov Oct Dec Nov Oct
Total amount of debt  732 908  720 323  711 749  593 102  585 868  581 943
Central government  184 703  178 140  175 140  152 622  148 622  148 622
State lending institutions 11 11 11 47 56 56
Commercial- and savings banks  234 926  232 935  230 597  206 840  204 551  205 506
Of which in foreign currency 74 73 75 72 72 70
Mortgage companies 79 920 78 684 79 630 60 090 59 571 57 588
Of which in foreign currency 24 714 24 498 24 996 - - -
Finance companies  344  344  344  214  200  200
Other financial corporations excl. finansial auxillaries 5 679 5 679 5 494 5 643 5 643 5 593
Life insurance companies  400  400  400  175  175  175
Non-life insurance companies 29 29 62 77 77 77
Financial auxiliaries  450  450  150 11 11 11
County municipalities 4 003 4 004 3 884 3 450 3 679 4 209
Municipalities 22 051 22 075 22 225 22 924 23 946 24 246
State enterprises 39 676 39 477 34 977 30 296 29 597 30 097
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 31 561 32 374 31 910 33 233 33 667 33 507
Of which in foreign currency - - -  319  319  312
Private companies 69 425 67 405 69 085 48 172 48 145 46 593
Of which in foreign currency 17 423 18 294 19 107 8 117 7 032 6 520
Rest of the world 59 730 58 316 57 840 29 308 27 928 25 463
Of which in foreign currency 6 094 5 882 6 152 1 232 1 229  724
1  Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols