Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

6 Bonds and short-term securities issued by Norwegians abroad1. Nominal value. NOK million2
Borrowers 2006 2007
October November December October November December
Total amount 62 734 42 974 46 361 81 565 94 429 48 890
Issues of bonds 14 905 15 964 5 355 32 022 36 185 13 262
Commercial- and savings banks 5 434 12 012 90 2 290 13 774 3 048
Mortgage companies 9 464 3 952 3 975 23 985 22 411 10 214
Other financial corporations excl. finansial auxillaries - - - - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - - -
State enterprises - - 1 290 - - -
Private companies 7 - - 5 747 - -
Issues of short-term securities 47 829 27 010 41 006 49 543 58 244 35 628
Commercial- and savings banks 12 020 22 052 12 471 35 585 20 921 28 726
Mortgage companies 11 552 2 686 21 892 2 661 20 492 5 318
Other financial corporations excl. finansial auxillaries - - - - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - - -
State enterprises 24 257 2 272 6 643 11 297 16 831 1 584
Private companies - - - - - -
1  Bank of Norway.
2  Issues reported to the Bank of Norway. Translated by monthly average exchange rates (average of daily rates).

Explanation of symbols