Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

1 Domestic bond debts1, 31 December 2006 and 2007. Issues, payments and other changes (gross), by issuing sector. Nominal value. NOK million
Issuing sector Total bond debt
repayments 2007
Changes in sector classification
and exchange rates during 2007
Total bond
debt 2007
Total amount  732 784  225 690  176 491 -6 579  775 404
General government  210 757 30 690 33 996 -  207 451
Central government  184 703 30 300 29 696 -  185 307
County municipalities 4 003 -  688 - 3 315
Municipalities 22 051  390 3 611 - 18 830
Financial enterprises  322 619 86 357  103 620 -335  305 021
State lending institutions 11 - 8 - 3
Commercial and savings banks  234 951 66 587 71 221 -23  230 294
Of which in foreign currency 74 1 285 - -49 1 310
Mortgage companies 79 920 19 039 31 837 -312 66 810
Of which in foreign currency 24 714 - 24 402 -312 -
Finance companies  344  402 50 -  696
Other financial enterprises 6 514  244  475 - 6 283
Life insurance companies etc  400 - - -  400
Non-life insurance companies 29 - 29 - 0
Financial auxiliaries  450 85 - -  535
Non-financial enterprises  138 658 52 595 25 991 -2 830  162 432
Central government enterprises - - - - -
Other state-owned enterprises etc 39 676 3 675 6 391 - 36 960
Municipal enterprises 31 411 3 100 7 600 -274 26 637
Of which in foreign currency - - - - -
Private incorporated companies(i.e. joint stock companies) 67 571 45 820 12 000 -2 556 98 835
Of which in foreign currency 17 110 16 914 1 947 -3 330 28 747
Private non-profit institutions serving businesses - - - - -
Households etc 1 020  450 3 -813  654
Quasi-corporated private enterprises etc  207  450 3 -  654
Private non-profit institutions serving households  813 - - -813 -
Of which in foreign currency  313 - - -313 -
Unincorporated private enterprises - - - - -
Rest of the world 59 730 55 598 12 881 -2 601 99 846
Of which in foreign currency 6 094 25 171 1 150 -2 575 27 540
1  Includes own stock of bonds and domestic issues in foreign currency.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols