Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

2 Domestic bond debts1, by issuing sector. Nominal value and weighted nominal interest rate2. 31 December 2005, 2006 and 2007. NOK million and per cent
Issuing sector Bond debts
at 31.12.2005
Interest rate
Bond debts
Interest rate
Bond debts
Interest rate
  NOK million Per cent NOK million Per cent NOK million Per cent
Total amount  594 394 4.8  732 784 5.1  775 404 6.0
General government  178 996 5.9  210 757 5.7  207 451 5.6
Central government  152 622 6.1  184 703 5.8  185 307 5.6
County municipalities 3 450 4.6 4 003 5.0 3 315 5.4
Municipalities 22 924 5.3 22 051 5.1 18 829 5.2
Financial enterprises  274 389 3.9  322 619 4.3  305 022 5.6
State lending institutions 47 3.2 11 3.4 3 3.4
Commercial and savings banks  208 115 3.8  234 951 4.2  230 295 5.5
Mortgage companies 60 090 4.7 79 920 4.4 66 810 5.6
Finance companies  214 3.3  344 4.4  696 6.2
Other financial enterprises 5 643 3.8 6 514 4.7 6 283 6.2
Life insurance companies etc  175 3.8  400 4.6  400 6.9
Non-life insurance companies 77 8.5 29 8.5 - -
Financial auxiliaries 28 -  450 4.6  535 7.1
Non-financial enterprises  111 491 5.1  138 658 6.0  162 432 7.3
Central government enterprises - - - - - -
Other state-owned enterprises etc 30 296 4.9 39 676 5.0 36 960 5.9
Municipal enterprises 33 233 4.5 31 411 4.8 26 637 5.7
Private incorporated companies(i.e. joint stock companies) 47 962 5.7 67 571 7.1 98 835 8.3
Private non-profit institutions serving businesses - - - - - -
Households etc  210 8.0 1 020 6.1  653 7.2
Quasi-corporated private enterprises etc  210 8.0  207 8.0  653 7.2
Private non-profit institutions serving households - -  813 5.7 - -
Unincorporated private enterprises - - - - - -
Rest of the world 29 308 5.2 59 730 5.2 99 846 6.5
1  Includes own stock of bonds and domestic issues in foreign currency.
2  Interest rates per 31 December.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols