Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

2 Bonds issued in Norway1. Nominal value. NOK million2
Borrowers Apr 07 May 07 Jun 07 Apr 08 May 08 Jun 08
Total amount of issues 14 681 21 868 21 619 20 175 29 334 25 142
Central government - 3 000 3 000 - 9 700 3 000
Banks 6 296 4 787 6 238 17 135 4 645 8 913
Of which in foreign currency  885 -  346 - - -
Mortgage companies  345 1 725  974  799 3 665 1 925
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - -
Finance companies - - - - -  650
Other financial corporations excl. finansial auxillaries -  200 44 - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - 1 500 1 700
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries - - - - - -
County municipalities - - -  200  400 -
Municipalities - -  240  200 1 410  600
State enterprises - - - - - -
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises  200  400 1 200 - - -
Private companies 4 508 6 234 6 433 6 4 665 2 252
Of which in foreign currency  183 3 343 2 973 6 -  487
Rest of the world 3 332 5 522 3 490 1 835 3 349 6 102
Of which in foreign currency 1 081 4 186 2 102 -  379  236
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.
2  Includes treasury bills (fom July 2000) and commercial papers in foreign currency issued by foreigners in Norway.

Explanation of symbols