Statistics Norway

4 Domestic bond debts1, by issuing sector. 31 December 1999 - 31 December 2008. Nominal value. NOK million (Corrected 17 June 2009 at 11:35 a.m.)
Issuing sector 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total amount  381 512  413 635  424 576  475 482  520 295  535 255  594 397  732 783  775 403  933 816
Central government  130 495  144 162  129 762  124 640  152 392  134 748  152 622  184 703  185 307  213 007
County municipalities 4 853 6 112 5 819 5 254 6 180 4 706 3 450 4 003 3 315 3 729
Municipalities 14 562 19 597 19 889 19 301 23 535 24 481 22 924 22 051 18 829 21 943
State lending institutions 29 589  326  263  199  148 98 47 11 3 -
Commercial and savings banks 91 577  101 151  114 213  142 450  156 451  182 314  208 115  234 951  230 295  273 095
Of which in foreign currency 40 44 0 0 0 0 72 74 1 309 1 336
Mortgage companies 42 927 67 862 66 974 70 706 62 866 61 723 60 090 79 920 66 810  127 487
Of which in foreign currency 64 - - - - - - 24 714 - -
Finance companies  338 93 50  500  500  625  214  344  696 1 481
Other financial enterprises 1 900 2 300 2 300 3 069 2 000 3 062 5 643 6 514 6 283 7 168
Life insurance companies etc  819  819  994  357  239  175  175  400  400 3 600
Non-life insurance companies 69 - - 77 77 77 77 29 - -
Financial auxiliaries - - 1 598  787  619  609 28  450  535  535
Of which in foreign currency - - 45 35 - - - - - -
Central government enterprises - - - - - - - - - -
Other state enterprises etc 16 478 18 517 15 048 35 746 34 888 36 095 30 296 39 676 36 960 32 316
Municipal enterprises 22 886 21 404 21 123 19 083 22 262 31 315 33 233 31 411 26 637 23 534
Of which in foreign currency - -  319  292  337  330  319 - - -
Others 19 446 22 476 34 868 38 766 40 398 34 451 47 962 68 591 99 487 97 874
Of which in foreign currency  249 -  365 2 749 2 884 2 762 8 117 17 423 28 747 34 398
Rest of the world 5 542 8 789 11 652 14 466 17 525 20 680 29 308 59 730 99 846  128 045
Of which in foreign currency  162  165  222 54 - - 1 232 6 094 27 541 33 971
1  Includes own stock of bonds and domestic issuers in foreign currency.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols