Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

3 Domestic bond debts1. Nominal value. NOK million
Borrowers April 08 May 08 June 08 April 09 May 09 June 09
Total amount of debt  793 476  817 884  824 695 1 034 678 1 051 580 1 088 096
Central government  191 307  201 007  204 007  219 007  178 056  182 056
State lending institutions - - - - - -
Banks  254 176  256 293  254 407  272 875  273 792  272 522
Of which in foreign currency 1 244 1 238 1 235 1 208 1 228  898
Mortgage companies 56 454 63 686 61 606  207 059  261 552  290 856
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - -
Finance companies  531  531 1 181 1 481 1 481 1 431
Other financial corporations excl. finansial auxillaries 7 160 7 160 7 159 6 776 6 778 6 779
Life insurance companies  400 1 900 3 600 3 600 3 600 4 600
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries  535  535  535  535  535  535
County municipalities 3 551 3 951 3 950 4 670 4 920 4 800
Municipalities 19 273 20 683 21 233 26 666 28 306 29 718
State enterprises 35 820 35 820 35 819 38 166 39 666 37 685
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 23 761 23 747 22 926 26 805 26 709 26 521
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - -
Private companies 95 275 94 891 95 504 97 423 95 509 97 635
Of which in foreign currency 26 789 26 571 26 948 31 542 30 310 28 899
Rest of the world  105 233  107 680  112 768  129 615  130 676  132 958
Of which in foreign currency 25 204 25 429 24 761 32 870 31 026 29 798
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols