Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

8 Norwegian entities' bonds and short-term securities debts abroad at the end of June 2009 at maturity. Nominal value. NOK million1
Borrowers Maturity
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020 2021-2050 Total
Total amount of debt  189 348  216 585  204 788  107 763 84 986 77 893 44 858 98 219  138 143 1 162 583
Banks  132 526 81 142 88 565 40 765 26 140 33 242 5 135 8 413 2 621  418 549
Financial corporations 56 017  121 688 95 308 53 150 53 119 29 171 14 046 47 170 96 239  565 908
Non-financial corporations  805 13 755 20 915 13 848 5 727 15 480 25 677 42 636 39 283  178 126
1  Issues reported to Statistics Norway. Translated by exchange rates 30.06.2009.

Explanation of symbols