Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

6 Domestic bond and commercial papers debts at the end of December 20091. Nominal value. NOK million
Borrowers Maturity Miscellaneous Total
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020 2021-2099
Total amount of debt  484 949  190 033  139 972  163 438  152 878  186 619  234 925 7 697 7 820 1 568 331
Central government  291 564 46 150 - 58 244 - 43 825 56 137 - -  495 920
State lending institutions - - - - - - - - - -
Banks 85 583 62 702 48 484 47 667 31 600 54 784 16 410  625 5 181  353 036
Finansielle føretak [Financial corporations]' 17 217 24 384 21 008 23 315 64 853 68 972 99 156 1 110 1 895  321 910
County municipalities and municipalities 16 326 7 130 4 203 6 209 2 504 3 346 11 398  545 - 51 661
Non-financial corporations 47 790 23 739 42 366 14 094 27 744 6 901 21 849 4 840  744  190 067
Rest of the world 26 469 25 928 23 911 13 909 26 177 8 791 29 975  577 -  155 737
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols