Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

1 Domestic bond debts1, 31 December 2008 and 2009. Issues, payments and other changes (gross), by issuing sector. Nominal value. NOK million
Issuing sector Total bond debt 31.12.2008 Issues 2009 Principal repayments 2009 Changes in sector classification and exchange rates during 2009 Total bond debt 2009
Total amount  933 816  492 186  193 571 -11 983 1 220 447
General government  238 679 52 850 49 190 -  242 338
Central government  213 007 36 300 44 951 -  204 356
County municipalities 3 729 2 707  650 - 5 786
Municipalities 21 943 13 843 3 589 - 32 196
Financial enterprises  413 366  330 413 80 894  426  663 312
State lending institutions - - - - -
Commercial and savings banks  273 095  114 095 60 253 17 003  343 939
Of which in foreign currency 1 336  405 1 140 -139  463
Mortgage companies  127 487  213 813 18 478 -16 424  306 397
Of which in foreign currency - - - - -
Finance companies 1 481 -  350 -717  414
Other financial enterprises 7 168 1 505 1 812  565 7 427
Life insurance companies etc 3 600 1 000 - - 4 600
Non-life insurance companies - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries  535 - - -  535
Non-financial enterprises  153 725 50 644 34 745 -6 317  163 306
Central government enterprises - - - - -
Other state-owned enterprises etc 32 316 9 100 4 003 - 37 413
Municipal enterprises 23 534 11 239 5 177 - 29 596
Of which in foreign currency - - - - -
Private incorporated companies(i.e. joint stock companies) 97 874 30 304 25 565 -6 317 96 296
Of which in foreign currency 34 398 3 620 7 379 -5 946 24 693
Private non-profit institutions serving businesses - - - - -
Households etc - - - - -
Quasi-corporated private enterprises etc - - - - -
Private non-profit institutions serving households - - - - -
Of which in foreign currency - - - - -
Unincorporated private enterprises - - - - -
Rest of the world  128 045 58 279 28 742 -6 093  151 491
Of which in foreign currency 33 971 12 155 6 888 -6 093 33 145
1  Includes own stock of bonds and domestic issues in foreign currency.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols