Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

6 Domestic bond and commercial papers debts at the end of June 201091. Nominal value. NOK million
Borrowers Maturity
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020 2021-2099 Miscellaneous Total
Total amount of debt  367 646  234 966  149 620  183 598  160 562  225 545  251 553 25 194 7 546 1 606 230
Central government  262 871 76 150 - 60 544 - 48 125 59 737 13 000 -  520 427
State lending institutions - - - - - - - - - -
Banks 47 025 69 099 52 664 57 171 37 145 69 071 19 249 1 123 5 651  358 198
Financial corporations' 5 712 22 238 21 840 26 480 65 450 79 719 98 641 2 110 1 895  324 085
County municipalities and municipalities 12 223 8 398 4 198 6 197 2 504 3 346 12 873  739 - 50 478
Non-financial corporations 26 977 33 296 42 104 16 445 28 821 12 522 22 667 7 141 -  189 973
Rest of the world 12 838 25 785 28 814 16 761 26 642 12 762 38 386 1 081 -  163 069
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols