Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

2 Bonds issued in Norway1. Nominal value. NOK million2
Borrowers Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mar 11
Total amount of issues 23 319 14 137 20 757 18 242 29 389 31 497
Central government 7 200 - 3 000 3 000 - 3 000
Banks 5 455 5 777 10 633 6 215 5 368 7 573
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - -
Mortgage companies  220 2 950 1 540 5 820 14 311 12 625
Of which in foreign currency - - - -  661 -
Finance companies - - - - - -
Other financial corporations excl. finansial auxillaries -  490  688  550  250 -
Life insurance companies - - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries - - - - - -
County municipalities - - - - -  915
Municipalities - - - -  194  662
State enterprises - - - - -  500
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 1 555 2 000  700  200 2 750 2 000
Private companies  311  840 2 170 1 207 3 485 1 249
Of which in foreign currency 9 - 1 840 - -  284
Rest of the world 8 578 2 080 2 026 1 250 3 031 2 973
Of which in foreign currency 4 300 - 1 070 -  720  812
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.
2  Includes treasury bills (fom July 2000) and commercial papers in foreign currency issued by foreigners in Norway.

Explanation of symbols