Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

8 Norwegian entities' bonds and short-term securities debts abroad at the end of March 2011 at maturity. Nominal value. NOK million1
Borrowers Maturity
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020 2021-2050 Total
Total amount of debt  275 654  132 034  127 212  155 943  116 381  209 277  150 247 1 166 748
Banks  163 781 38 548 23 900 40 923 13 366 30 802 20 347  331 667
Financial corporations 98 755 86 963  100 218 96 989 86 405  123 464 92 487  685 281
Non-financial corporations 13 119 6 523 3 094 18 031 16 609 55 011 37 413  149 800
1  Issues reported to Statistics Norway. Translated by exchange rates 31.03.2011.

Explanation of symbols