Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

1 Domestic bond debts1, 31 December 2009 and 2010. Issues, payments and other changes (gross), by issuing sector. Nominal value. NOK million
Issuing sector Total bond debt 2009 Issues 2010 Principal repayments 2010 Changes in sector classification and exchange rates during 2010 Total bond debt 2010
Total amount 1 220 447  261 973  193 284  976 1 290 111
General government  242 338 37 750 2 745  236  277 580
Central government  204 356 32 200 - -  236 556
County municipalities 5 786 1 050  880  236 6 193
Municipalities 32 196 4 500 1 865 - 34 831
Financial enterprises  663 312  150 077  122 184 39  691 243
State lending institutions - - - - -
Commercial and savings banks  278 939 73 618 72 928 11  279 641
Of which in foreign currency  463 - - 31  494
Mortgage companies  371 397 74 228 47 676 -  397 950
Finance companies  414 -  400 - 14
Other financial enterprises 7 427 2 231 1 180 27 8 503
Of which in foreign currency  480 -  124 7  364
Life insurance companies etc 4 600 - - - 4 600
Non-life insurance companies - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries  535 - - -  535
Non-financial enterprises  163 306 34 738 31 656 -1 760  164 627
Central government enterprises - - - - -
Other state-owned enterprises etc 37 413  800 4 166 - 34 047
Municipal enterprises 29 596 11 055 3 494 -17 37 140
Private incorporated companies(i.e. joint stock companies) 96 296 22 883 23 996 -1 743 93 440
Of which in foreign currency 24 693 3 985 8 399 -711 19 568
Private non-profit institutions serving businesses - - - - -
Households etc - - - - -
Quasi-corporated private enterprises etc - - - - -
Private non-profit institutions serving households - - - - -
Of which in foreign currency - - - - -
Unincorporated private enterprises - - - - -
Rest of the world  151 491 39 408 36 699 2 461  156 661
Of which in foreign currency 33 145 23 203 12 678 1 659 45 329
1  Includes own stock of bonds and domestic issues in foreign currency.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols