Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

6 Issues of bonds in Norway1, by issuing sector. 31 December 2009-31 December 2010. Nominal value. NOK million
Issuing sector 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Total amount 75 754  131 596  124 408  126 925  151 880  253 450  225 691  286 037  492 186  261 973
Central government 12 400 21 850 29 000 22 000 18 500 38 907 30 300 27 700 36 300 32 200
County municipalities  300  300 1 351  625 - 1 078 - 1 316 2 707 1 050
Municipalities 3 849 1 694 7 250 5 005  906 2 862  390 6 124 13 843 4 500
State lending institutions - - - - - - - - - -
Commercial and savings banks 32 352 47 378 49 684 56 066 69 082 71 562 66 587  100 681 64 095 73 618
Of which in foreign currency - - - - 74 - 1 285 -  405 -
Mortgage companies 5 682 16 824 10 067 10 212 10 458 42 199 19 039 97 386  263 813 74 228
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - 25 188 - - - -
Finance companies -  500 -  125 89  250  402  950 - -
Other financial enterprises - 1 525 - 1 062 2 933 2 174  244 - 1 505 2 231
Life insurance companies etc  175 - - - -  400 - 3 200 1 000 -
Non-life insurance companies - 77 - - - - - - - -
Financial auxiliaries - - 21 - 17  450 85 - - -
Central government enterprises - - - - - - - - - -
Other state enterprises etc 4 800 20 897 3 425 9 068 4 820 12 120 3 675 2 840 9 100  800
Municipal enterprises 2 662 1 700 5 120 5 046 8 799 3 407 3 100 4 890 11 239 11 055
Of which in foreign currency  317 - - - - - - - - -
Others 10 101 14 917 12 328 11 756 20 749 36 608 46 270 7 196 30 304 22 883
Of which in foreign currency  371 3 155  227  140 5 665 14 791 16 914 2 607 3 620 3 985
Rest of the world 3 431 3 934 6 162 5 961 15 527 41 433 55 598 33 754 58 279 39 408
Of which in foreign currency 58 9 7 - 1 204 5 198 25 171 1 185 12 155 23 203
1  First issue of bonds by Norwegian sectors.
Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols