Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

8 Norwegian entities' bonds and short-term securities debts abroad at the end of June 2011 at maturity. Nominal value. NOK million1
Borrowers Maturity
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020 2021-2050 Total
Total amount of debt  180 251  156 708  145 383  169 776  123 972  251 177  174 469 1 201 736
Banks  125 103 46 521 23 838 40 852 13 313 32 597 20 212  302 436
Financial corporations 43 521  103 681  118 469  111 227 94 041  162 736  116 602  750 277
Non-financial corporations 11 627 6 506 3 076 17 697 16 618 55 844 37 655  149 023
1  Issues reported to Statistics Norway. Translated by exchange rates 30.06.2011.

Explanation of symbols