Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

8 Norwegian entities' bonds and short-term securities debts abroad at the end of September 2011 at maturity. Nominal value. NOK million1
Borrowers Maturity
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020 2021-2050 Total
Total amount of debt  165 602  175 712  153 736  185 049  129 931  271 812  193 346 1 275 188
Banks  123 841 54 220 25 181 41 757 13 958 34 366 20 654  313 977
Financial corporations 38 432  114 836  125 439  124 367 99 089  179 702  132 895  814 760
Non-financial corporations 3 329 6 656 3 116 18 925 16 884 57 744 39 797  146 451
1  Issues reported to Statistics Norway. Translated by exchange rates 30 September 2011.

Explanation of symbols