Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

4 Commercial papers issued in nominal value, by borrowing sectors. NOK million1
Borrowers Jan 12 Feb 12 Mar 12
Commercial papers issued in Norway      
All sectors 27 069 18 122 88 305
Domestic borrowing sectors 26 769 17 887 88 020
Non-financial corporations 4 692 3 180 3 548
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government - - -
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government 1 200  850  800
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government - - -
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government 2 067 1 580 1 397
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises 1 425  750 1 351
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises - - -
lPrivate non-profit institutions serving enterprises - - -
Financial corporations 3 365 1 825  743
Norges Bank - - -
Banks 3 065  525  268
Mortgage companies  300  800  475
Finance companies - - -
State lending institutions etc. - - -
Financial holding companies -  500 -
Mutual funds - - -
Investment trusts and private equity funds - - -
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds - - -
Life insurance companies and pension funds - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - -
General government 18 712 12 882 83 729
Central government and social security funds 10 000 3 000 75 218
Local government 8 712 9 882 8 511
Non-profit institutions serving households - - -
Unincorporated enterprises within households - - -
Housing cooperatives etc. - - -
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc. - - -
Rest of the world  300  235  285
Commercial papers issued by Norwegian entities abroad      
All domestic borrowing sectors  111 345 75 043 91 482
Non-financial corporations 5 644 11 559 17 717
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government 5 644 11 559 17 717
Financial corporations  105 700 63 484 73 765
Banks  104 804 62 435 73 030
Mortgage companies  896 1 049  735
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository and issuing abroad reports from Norwegian entities.

Explanation of symbols