Statistics Norway

Bonds and commercial papers

6 Domestic bond and commercial papers debts by issuing sector and remaining maturity at the end of March 2012. Nominal value. NOK million
Borrowers Remaining maturity
<= 1 år > 1 år <= 2 år > 2 år <= 5 år > 5 år <= 10 år > 10 år <= 20 år > 20 år Total
Total amount of debt  411 488  217 331  690 042  329 930 29 024 14 295 1 692 111
Non-financial corporations 47 897 18 117 81 609 27 138 9 100  440  184 301
Banks 66 828 80 900  114 817 33 646  313 10 139  306 643
Other financial corporations 30 119 26 561  314 491  111 701 18 143 3 470  504 485
Central government and social security funds  213 917 66 544 58 125  113 737 0 0  452 323
Local government 38 986 5 615 12 793 11 752  353 0 69 499
Non-profit institutions serving households 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Households 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rest of the world 13 741 19 594  108 207 31 957 1 115  246  174 860

Explanation of symbols