Public purchases

2   General governments purchases. 1992-1999
  1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998* 1999*
General government 103 192 103 475 106 303 110 000 115 362 126 754 137 205 144 226
Intermediate consumption 62 890 65 080 66 833 67 722 70 386 74 723 79 819 84 421
Social benefits in kind 10 304 11 026 11 642 12 392 13 363 14 076 15 528 16 428
Gross fixed capital formation 29 997 27 369 27 828 29 886 31 613 37 955 41 858 43 377
Central government 56 054 55 734 56 242 56 553 59 954 62 735 69 753 71 865
Intermediate consumption 31 915 33 384 33 896 33 048 34 828 36 650 39 360 41 076
Social benefits in kind 7 935 8 411 8 858 9 520 10 318 10 845 12 080 12 804
Gross fixed capital formation 16 203 13 939 13 488 13 985 14 808 15 240 18 313 17 985
Central government excluding defence affairs 41 526 42 318 41 761 42 763 45 238 47 070 53 188 56 873
Intermediate consumption 20 023 22 756 22 979 23 027 24 352 25 149 27 977 29 805
Social benefits in kind 7 935 8 411 8 858 9 520 10 318 10 845 12 080 12 804
Gross fixed capital formation 13 568 11 151 9 924 10 216 10 568 11 076 13 131 14 264
Defence affairs and services 14 528 13 416 14 481 13 790 14 716 15 665 16 565 14 992
Intermediate consumption 11 892 10 628 10 917 10 021 10 476 11 501 11 383 11 271
Social benefits in kind - - - - - - - -
Gross fixed capital formation 2 636 2 788 3 564 3 769 4 240 4 164 5 182 3 721
Local government 47 138 47 741 50 061 53 447 55 408 64 019 67 452 72 361
Intermediate consumption 30 975 31 696 32 937 34 674 35 558 38 073 40 459 43 345
Social benefits in kind 2 369 2 615 2 784 2 872 3 045 3 231 3 448 3 624
Gross fixed capital formation 13 794 13 430 14 340 15 901 16 805 22 715 23 545 25 392
Municipalities 34 629 34 858 36 858 39 196 40 427 48 302 50 374 54 076
Intermediate consumption 21 906 22 263 23 324 24 282 24 686 26 631 28 244 30 368
Social benefits in kind 2 273 2 514 2 690 2 818 2 992 3 185 3 397 3 554
Gross fixed capital formation 10 450 10 081 10 844 12 096 12 749 18 486 18 733 20 154
Counties 12 509 12 883 13 203 14 251 14 981 15 717 17 078 18 285
Intermediate consumption 9 069 9 433 9 613 10 392 10 872 11 442 12 215 12 977
Social benefits in kind 96 101 94 54 53 46 51 70
Gross fixed capital formation 3 344 3 349 3 496 3 805 4 056 4 229 4 812 5 238

Explanation of symbols