1   Public purchases. 1993-2000. Million NOK
Public purchases 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999* 2000*
Total  187 602  175 108  173 555  175 474  190 121  211 361  213 944  213 380
General government  103 475  106 303  110 000  115 362  126 754  136 840  144 226  148 906
Central government 55 734 56 242 56 553 59 954 62 735 69 753 71 865 74 930
Central government excluding defence affairs 42 318 41 761 42 763 45 238 47 070 53 188 56 873 60 181
Defence affairs and services 13 416 14 481 13 790 14 716 15 665 16 565 14 992 14 749
Local government 47 741 50 061 53 447 55 408 64 019 67 087 72 361 73 976
Municipalities 34 858 36 858 39 196 40 427 48 302 50 011 54 076 54 678
Counties 12 883 13 203 14 251 14 981 15 717 17 076 18 285 19 298
General government enterprises 84 127 68 805 63 555 60 112 63 367 74 521 69 718 64 474
Central government excluding oil 28 837 10 895 12 155 6 460 6 479 5 087 10 825 4 436
Oilsector 36 566 39 640 35 025 33 441 44 295 51 293 53 792 54 038
Local government enterprises 18 724 18 270 16 375 20 211 12 593 18 141 5 101 6 000
Public purchases in percent of GDP 23 20 19 17 18 19 18 15

Explanation of symbols