Statistics Norway

Public procurements

1 Public purchases. 1999-2006. NOK Million
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005* 2006*
Total public purchases (A+B)  218 608  222 395  209 187  228 098  242 081  257 731  278 478  314 877
Intermediate consumption  120 925  133 857  145 886  143 090  141 944  153 527  160 116  177 870
Social benefits in kind 18 906 22 538 26 946 30 965 34 154 36 791 39 555 43 022
Gross fixed capital formation 78 777 66 000 36 355 54 043 65 983 67 413 78 806 93 986
General government  148 890  154 868  174 596  184 545  192 910  204 658  212 330  231 612
Intermediate consumption 87 681 93 382  106 356  111 023  111 232  117 150  119 681  127 555
Social benefits in kind 18 906 22 538 26 946 30 965 34 154 36 791 39 555 43 022
Gross fixed capital formation 42 303 38 948 41 294 42 557 47 524 50 717 53 093 61 036
Central government 77 222 79 797 88 791  111 741  113 427  121 149  127 076  136 363
Intermediate consumption 44 992 47 996 55 512 68 839 66 259 69 395 70 444 74 154
Social benefits in kind 15 282 17 083 19 027 24 874 26 982 28 571 29 744 30 533
Gross fixed capital formation 16 948 14 718 14 252 18 028 20 186 23 183 26 887 31 677
Central government excluding defence affairs 62 230 65 048 73 601 94 566 96 390  103 322  110 240  115 964
Intermediate consumption 32 726 35 615 42 036 53 833 51 365 53 831 57 012 60 707
Social benefits in kind 15 282 17 083 19 027 24 874 26 982 28 571 29 744 30 533
Gross fixed capital formation 14 222 12 350 12 538 15 860 18 043 20 920 23 484 24 725
Defence affairs and services 14 992 14 749 15 190 17 175 17 037 17 828 16 836 20 399
Intermediate consumption 12 266 12 381 13 476 15 007 14 894 15 565 13 432 13 447
Social benefits in kind - - - - - - - -
Gross fixed capital formation 2 726 2 368 1 714 2 169 2 143 2 263 3 403 6 952
Local government 71 668 75 071 85 805 72 804 79 483 83 509 85 254 95 249
Intermediate consumption 42 689 45 386 50 844 42 184 44 973 47 755 49 237 53 401
Social benefits in kind 3 624 5 455 7 919 6 091 7 172 8 220 9 811 12 489
Gross fixed capital formation 25 355 24 230 27 042 24 529 27 338 27 534 26 206 29 359
Municipalities 53 418 55 337 61 836 62 900 69 125 73 345 74 047 82 596
Intermediate consumption 29 713 31 761 35 574 36 178 38 789 41 556 42 546 46 147
Social benefits in kind 3 554 4 536 5 196 5 024 5 991 7 182 8 621 11 129
Gross fixed capital formation 20 151 19 040 21 066 21 698 24 345 24 607 22 880 25 320
Counties 18 250 19 734 23 969 9 904 10 358 10 164 11 207 12 653
Intermediate consumption 12 976 13 625 15 270 6 006 6 184 6 199 6 691 7 254
Social benefits in kind 70  919 2 723 1 067 1 181 1 038 1 190 1 360
Gross fixed capital formation 5 204 5 190 5 976 2 831 2 993 2 927 3 326 4 039
General government enterprises 69 718 67 527 34 591 43 553 49 171 53 073 66 148 83 265
Intermediate consumption 33 244 40 475 39 530 32 067 30 712 36 377 40 435 50 315
Social benefits in kind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gross fixed capital formation 36 474 27 052 -4 939 11 486 18 459 16 696 25 713 32 950
Central government excluding oil 8 846 4 567 5 226 7 186 6 066 9 330 7 655 5 553
Intermediate consumption 3 922 1 457 1 891 4 371 4 022 7 161 7 098 5 530
Social benefits in kind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gross fixed capital formation 4 924 3 110 3 335 2 815 2 044 2 169  557 23
Oilsector 55 771 53 907 23 998 31 172 37 695 37 851 54 136 66 268
Intermediate consumption 27 450 32 396 33 454 23 950 22 686 25 695 29 510 33 534
Social benefits in kind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gross fixed capital formation 28 321 21 511 -9 456 7 222 15 009 12 156 24 626 32 734
Local government enterprises 5 101 9 053 5 367 5 195 5 410 5 892 4 357 11 444
Intermediate consumption 1 872 6 622 4 185 3 746 4 004 3 521 3 827 11 251
Social benefits in kind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gross fixed capital formation 3 229 2 431 1 182 1 449 1 406 2 371  530  193
Public purchases in percent of GDP 17.6 15.0 13.6 14.9 15.2 14.8 14.3 14.6

Explanation of symbols