Statistics Norway

6   Shipments of Norwegian owned crude oil from Norwegian loading buoys and British terminals1. 2002-2004
  2002 2003 2004
  Quantity 1 000 tons Value NOK million Quantity 1 000 tons Value NOK million Quantity 1 000 tons Value NOK million
Total, by country  135 929  198 652  126 018  192 920  127 957  242 734
Belgium 1 123 1 618  923 1 471  115  230
Brazil - -  130  197 - -
Denmark 1 817 2 590 2 186 3 341 2 429 4 607
Finland 1 918 2 784  909 1 433  386  742
France 15 233 22 489 15 530 24 086 15 414 30 019
Ireland 2 139 3 245  455  713 1 883 3 659
Italy 5 223 7 473 4 492 6 753 2 585 4 483
Japan - -  159  207 - -
The Netherlands 20 251 29 894 17 317 26 646 17 816 33 519
Poland - - - -  132  291
Portugal  435  633  557 4 099  522 1 051
Spain  707 1 069 2 442 3 820 3 700 7 084
Great Britain 32 977 48 561 32 649 50 613 37 703 73 275
Sweden 5 894 8 533 6 287 10 060 4 888 9 857
Germany 12 565 18 596 13 030 20 141 12 964 25 303
China 2 283 3 319 1 457 2 141  662 1 194
South Korea 1 154 1 730  262  440  963 1 654
Singapore 65  100 - - - -
Taiwan  278  456 - - - -
Bahamas  864 1 200  145  203  256  391
Canada 11 087 15 581 11 038 15 883 11 560 20 138
Puerto Rico - - - -  215  398
USA 19 916 28 783 16 050 23 858 13 764 24 839
1  Crude oil is the most important good in the external trade. According to statistical definitions all unstabilized crude oil transported to Great Britain by pipeline is considered exported to the country. Norwegians exporters are, however, selling the stabilized crude oil from the Teesside and Sullom Voe terminals in Great Britain to third countries. This is not shown in the external trade statistics. This table therefore provides statistics users with a better picture of the actual stabilized crude oil exports.
Source: Investment statistics, oil and gas. Statistics Norway.
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