Statistics Norway

29   Recoverable gas reserves in the North Sea as of 31 December 2003. Billion Sm3
  Denmark The Netherlands Norway United Kingdom1
Total discovered initial reserves  241 4 339 3 624 3 090
Cumulative production to the end of 2001  109 2 767  948 1 921
Total remaining discovered reserves  132 1 572 2 676 1 169
Share proven reserves in per cent2 55 36 74 38
1  Includes onshore and offshore discoveries.
2  Total remaining discovered reserves as share of total descovered initial reserves.
Source: The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate`s annual report, Development of the oil and gas resources of the United Kingdom - Department of Energy, Yearbook oil and gas - Ministry of Economic Affairs Netherland and Danmarks olie og gasproduktion - annual report Energistyrelsen.
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