Statistics Norway

40   Energy consumption1 by type of energy. 1965-2004. Million tonnes oil equivalents
  Gas consumption
  World Total North America South and central America OECD Europe/European Union2 Former Soviet Union Middle East Africa Asia and Pacific
1965  629.9  462.1 9.3  473.0 33.5  107.8 9.8 1.1 6.3
1966  686.4  499.1 10.0  510.4 38.4  120.3 10.6 1.2 6.8
1967  735.4  526.0 10.9  541.6 46.0  132.5 11.3 1.1 7.6
1968  798.4  562.9 11.4  589.6 59.3  143.0 12.2 1.2 8.4
1969  873.4  605.9 11.9  646.8 78.2  152.8 13.2 1.4 10.0
1970  922.2  606.4 13.2  674.2 99.6  167.9 14.2 1.5 14.5
1971  989.2  629.2 13.4  718.4  124.2  183.6 15.4 1.7 16.5
1972 1 035.8  639.5 15.1  747.3  146.2  193.1 15.3 2.4 18.2
1973 1 058.0  615.4 15.7  744.8  165.6  210.0 17.9 3.2 23.2
1974 1 084.8  597.0 16.1  746.6  188.1  222.7 21.8 3.6 28.2
1975 1 076.7  553.6 16.8  710.5  199.0  242.9 21.8 4.3 30.6
1976 1 138.7  567.0 17.2  737.7  214.7  267.3 23.9 5.1 35.5
1977 1 163.7  557.0 17.9  736.1  221.9  286.5 24.6 6.9 40.6
1978 1 207.9  561.3 19.0  749.6  229.3  305.5 26.1 11.1 47.6
1979 1 290.7  586.4 19.8  787.3  244.9  324.3 33.3 16.5 56.7
1980 1 301.9  582.6 21.0  780.6  245.0  334.2 31.2 17.1 61.3
1981 1 315.6  570.4 22.0  768.7  244.8  353.9 29.5 21.3 63.7
1982 1 315.7  537.6 22.9  729.5  240.7  382.0 31.7 22.8 65.9
1983 1 330.4  507.4 24.0  703.2  245.4  409.6 35.5 25.2 69.8
1984 1 434.1  539.0 25.9  756.3  259.8  447.0 40.9 24.9 82.2
1985 1 479.2  518.8 26.1  745.7  267.5  489.7 45.3 26.2 90.7
1986 1 483.9  486.0 27.4  720.0  274.0  505.0 51.4 27.4 98.4
1987 1 581.0  512.1 45.1  807.5  284.6  529.6 71.2 25.1  113.3
1988 1 660.2  544.0 49.2  838.6  280.4  558.7 81.1 27.4  119.4
1989 1 738.0  570.3 51.3  881.5  294.3  570.4 89.2 29.4  133.1
1990 1 771.5  566.9 53.0  889.3  297.5  596.5 85.1 30.5  142.0
1991 1 803.7  575.7 54.8  915.4  305.2  598.9 85.4 31.7  152.0
1992 1 806.1  592.4 55.2  933.2  302.9  565.4 95.8 33.6  160.8
1993 1 845.7  611.9 58.3  971.0  318.5  548.0  103.4 35.9  169.7
1994 1 853.2  626.8 60.7  995.8  319.2  510.4  113.0 37.7  185.4
1995 1 909.2  649.0 66.2 1 042.4  342.8  492.2  123.0 40.3  195.7
1996 2 004.2  663.3 71.4 1 100.4  380.4  497.7  136.2 42.6  212.6
1997 1 989.3  663.6 75.5 1 100.6  374.1  465.9  146.5 41.5  222.2
1998 2 015.4  647.6 80.6 1 100.8  385.4  476.7  153.6 43.7  227.8
1999 2 065.2  657.7 79.1 1 135.1  399.7  479.7  160.6 46.9  241.5
2000 2 157.5  683.6 83.7 1 184.9  412.9  492.3  173.4 50.0  261.6
2001 2 219.5  687.8 88.0 1 206.5  423.0  493.6  180.6 58.7  283.7
2002 2 285.8  711.2 90.7 1 231.8  428.6  512.9  192.7 55.5  294.3
2003 2 343.2  705.0 95.3 1 248.9  405.8  517.4  203.4 60.0  312.1
2004 2 420.4  705.9  106.2 1 265.5  420.2  531.0  218.0 61.8  330.9
1  Apparent consumption of primary commercial energy, exclusiv wood, peat and animal waste.
2  EU figures from 2003.
Source: BP Amoco statistical review of world energy.
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